
最近の我が家のはまりもの。。 クリーミーなグリーンソース。 

青菜と豆乳、半日水に漬けた生カシューナッツをミキサーで。。この状態をみて、「おいしそう・・・」と言ってくれる旦那さま。。 よく教育されているでしょ。。。!?
I just posted about spinach curry a few days ago but I post another similar tonight. Because we like those recently.

Creamy green sauce. 
Many yummy green vegetables for Spring!!So use plenty of green leaves for green sauce.
Put green leaves, soy-milk and soaked raw cashew nuts together in a mixer.
Actually, my husband looked at the mixer at that time and said "Muuu looks yummy !!" Yes I educated him well as a smart wife even though it is very easy to do...

I used only soy milk for cream sauce but I found to add raw cashew nuts making it more rich and .creamy. We had the sauce with gnocchi last night 

少し火を通して、シンプルに塩・胡椒で味付け。 そこに茹であがったニョッキを添える。旦那さま、簡単でゴメンネ!(笑)
It's good to heat up or steam the sauce and season with salt and pepper simply. Put the boiled gnocchi on the plate with the sauce.
For my darling!! sorry to so easy for make the dinner!!


来てくれるお客様、支えてくれる家族、の顔を思い浮かべながら、「笑顔で来ていただいて、ありがとうございます。いつも支えてくれて、ありがとうございます。」 と言いながら掃除をするのですが・・・。

There are some things I learned from my mother as an older owner of her own gallery or I trying  to imitate her. One of the things is toilet cleanings. 
In the morning, I clean the toilets saying words of "thanks" to customers who come to my gallery, family who supports me, and thinking of their faces.
However, we have 3 toilets in the gallery and another one for private use. So 4 toilets, even though the house isn't very big!!
It takes time for me to finish in the morning.... Also I was talking to them alone while cleaning...
But I think it is good thing to do, so I'll enjoy it.



Gallery HANNA ハンナが Asahi shinbun Asia&Japan Watch (朝日新聞 英語版)に掲載されたようです。 以前掲載の朝日新聞と若干ですが、内容や構成が変わっています。

それにしても、映画の「千と千尋の神隠し」を洋画版でいうと"Spirited Away."というんですね。

初めて知りました(笑)英語の勉強にご一読どうぞ(笑) それとか、house gets new life as art gallery 「家に新たな息吹」・・と、素敵な言い方で嬉しいです。ありがたい。
Gallery HANNA in Asashi shinbun Asia&Japan Watch.

It explains well about what I do with my gallery, so I sent e-mail to my family in US and friends around the world.




いよいよ、Gallery HANNA ギャラリーハンナ「米倉 万美」作品展がスタートし、2日目を迎えました。 雨と風の中にも関わらず、万美さんのファンを始め、沢山のお客様にお越しいただきました。
Just as it came to 2nd day, for  "Mami Yonekura" exhibition at my gallery HANNA.  
So many of her fans and people visit her works despite the rain and strong wind to see the exhibition.  

米倉万美(よねくら まみ)さんは、栃木県那須在住の女性イラストレーター。 アンパンでおなじみの、やなせたかしさんのアシスタントを経て、現在は本の装丁から、雑誌、ポスター等に至るまで多岐にわたりご活躍です。 

Mami Yonekura is an illustrator in Nasu in Tochigi prefecture. She designs covers for books, magazines, and posters in a wide range of fields.  
 Most of her works at the exhibition are landscape paintings of Nasu highlands using acrylic paint and colored pencil on wood covered with Japanese paper. And also, a character she created, called "proprietress of bar Royal"is famous in the town of Nasu, because it is used as character for publicizing a short film festival in Nasu.   

お人柄も、お話していると、クスクス笑ってしまうくらい。。面白い方。 とてもナチュラルな方で、気取らず、人を笑わせようとしているのか、天然なのか・・・茶目っけたっぷりのお人柄。そして、絵を見ておわかるように、心からの優しさが外側に溢れている人。 
 I can tell the reason she gets such effort together from the town is her fascinating personality.
I like and respect her very much. 
Also, she is beautiful.  I don't like to admit it, but I can say that 'God gives two gifts to a person' 

Her personality is...so nice and make me laugh when we are chatting. Very natural and she being just herself that means she has unaffected warmth. You can feel from her painting that genuine kindness from her inside. So I saw many of her fans, of course they like her work and her personality. 

 She will be at the gallery during the weekends. She may also be able to come during the week. She showed up wearing beautiful kimono during the first 2 days. 

米倉 万美 作品展
Mami Yonekura Exhibition at Gallery HANNA 
2013. 4.6(Sat) -  4.21 (Sun) 



Garden flowers

Spring has come in my garden.!!
今日は天気も良く、気持ちよいですね。先週から花が一斉に咲き始めました。気が付くと庭にはだいこんの花で紫の絨毯が広がっています。 今年の庭で気付いたのはボケの花があったこと。
