笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
隣にいるのは、FM栃木の看板アナウンサーとして、栃木では知らない人はいないほど、有名なラジオDJ、鹿島田 千帆さんです。実は今年に入ってから鹿島田さんより”美声トレーニング”を受けています。
The lady next to me is Chiho Kashimada. She is a radio DJ for an FM radio station in Tochigi.
I am taking her lesson called "Beautiful voice training". Is Asuko taking lessons for beautiful voice?!?! It may surprise you, the naming of the course is also little bit embarrassing to tell, but it is not for singing.
We study enunciation, proper use of words and tone when you give speeches in front of people (public speaking) etc. I studied this subject when I was training to be a walking teacher assistant, but I am a painfully shy, so I decided to start this training.
☆Why is the speech and voice study so useful for our usual life...?
The famous rules called "The rule of Mehrabian" were proposed by Albelt Merabian, Professor Emeritus of Psychology in the '70s in America. It is used for impression seminars or studies worldwide. He says that when you have an opportunity for human communication (face-to-face), there could be a determined first impression of the speaker. There are 3 elements that can be divided.
1 - Words account for 7%, 'Verbal'
2 - Tone of voice accounts for 38%, 'Vocal'
3 - Body language accounts for 55%, 'Visual'
So if you are a salesman, a customer decides or is influenced by the way you talk or your visual appearance more than your description of the product.
Well, so much for preliminaries. I never thought about my voice before. But once I started to care about how to speak, I can feel that I'm learning many things and can concern about someone talking even in everyday conversation.
Subjects in the class are tempo, pronunciation drills, self-introduction, and communication skills. Ms. Kashimada studies about vocal bands for a scholarship in graduate school, so her teaching and explanations are intelligible and her indication is exact.
例えば、講座の中でよく言われるのは、人前で何かをお話するとき、自己紹介のときでさえも内容の中に”共感&へ~”を入れてみるそうです。(共感+へ~ トレーニング) 相手や周囲が、共感したり、へ~~っと思うことを組み入れる。最初は慣れなくても、だんだん考えるのが楽しくなったりします。
For instance, she taught us that if we have a chance to have public speech or introduce ourselves, it is good to put something about ”empathy” and ”expressing surprise" in your words. (”empathy” and ”expressing surprise" training) . You might be uncomfortable at first, but you can enjoy thinking about ideas when you get used to it.
I got an impression from it, so now I'm trying to put some information that might make you feel ”empathy” or ”expressing surprise" in this blog.
JAF認定 4輪A級ライセンスも持っているそうで、講義の途中にも、ラジオのお仕事のこと、ライセンスのことなどいろいろお話をきくことができて、楽しく学ばせてもらっています。
She is a famous and popular DJ, she is so friendly, and she has a frank personality. That is what I like about her.
Ms. Kashimada has a class A driver license in Japan, so she has experience entering a motor race. She talks to us about her radio station job or about the license during breathing time in the class. so we have fun and interesting chats every time! She cares about her students. This is part of her personality.
I think that you can develop personal appeal from anywhere inside of you. Don' t you think?
ラベル: Thinking
Chez Keikoシェイ・ケイコに。。。私も在廊していました。仕事?手伝い?なのに、どおしてこんなに楽しいんだろう。。いよいよ始まりました。”熊野 聡 作品展 -木のバッグとオルゴールのコラボレーション” 初日より沢山の方が来ていただきました。
This weekend, I gave my 2 days holiday to Chez Keiko Gallery. It can be like work helping my mother, but I really enjoyed it. Because finally we started "Kumano Satoshi Exhibition". So many customer came these 2 days. This is what I am really grateful for. One costumer came from nearby Saitama prefecture (about 2 or 3 hours by car from Utsunomiya).
I could take a break from my daily routine. And Mr. Kumano also was there this weekend so we could have a good time together with him. It was valuable time. I could see his commitment to work. His thinking is so deep also without abandoning the work and love them and on top of that is his quality. This is why my mum was also grateful to meet him. He showed his family pictures and talked, that makes me think about his colorful personality in his work.
I thought it was interesting when he said, "People should enjoy their own life! What is important is 'action to try to enjoy'. You can say that about anything, for example, even work, cooking dinner every day, housekeeping. You should just enjoy, that is better than involuntariness. This is my policy. So I enjoy doing even house cleaning. You can change anything by what you have in your mind. But what you need for it is 'innovation'. Take innovation with anything you do. Now there are so many handy things around you but you also can do things without machine help."
Yah... He is right! You can change any of your activities with frame of your mind and need to just try to think about the innovation for that. This is what he taught me. He is a kind, family-minded person.さてさて、初日当日は朝から霧も立ち込め、物静かな風景がChez Keikoまでの小道。
This is a picture from a path near Chez Keiko. Foggy quiet morning.
This bag, I never get tired of looking at. I really wanted some of these bags.
It is suitable with kimono and casual style, too.
Each wooden pattern is different and they are so right!! Mr. Kumano said he studied about how to make them sturdy.
And definitely!! I could tell that costumers are so surprised and excited for music boxes. That is what I wanted to see. And I was glad to tell them about the sound. Costumers enjoyed finding their own music.
Exhibition is open until April 4th. Don't miss it!!
ラベル: Chez Keiko
ラベル: Friends, Motorcycle
熊野洞工房の熊野 聡さんに会いに仙台に行ってまいりました。
今回、なんとChez Keiko シェイ・ケイコで27日から個展を開かせていただくのです。その打ち合わせです。
I went to Sendai-city (about 3 hours drive from Utsunomiya) to meet Mr. Satoshi Kumano at Kumanodou Gallery. Chez Keiko gallery (my mum's gallery) is going to have his exhibition from the 27th of March. So we had a meeting with him. He makes wooden bags and a music boxes.
Until I met him, I was thinking 'What is a wooden bag?"
It was just imagination without knowledge in my head. Interesting but on the other hand I was wondering what can I expect.
But....It is scary to catch up in one's own prejudice. I had too much baggage with a music box from my childhood.
At first, I couldn't believe what I'm hearing. I got a wonderous feeling that the atmosphere has suddenly changed around me.There is no CD, no piano, also, can that singing be just for me?
I was listening intently and was shocked about my small world of preconceptionsこれがそのショッキングなオルゴール(笑)50弦のオルゴールが2つ入っていて、合計100弦のオルゴール。音域が・・
.This is what I got a shock from. There are 2 of 50-string keyboards inside so 100 strings total in one of the music boxes.
Mr. Kumano ran a family business of traditional Sendai-style cabinet making. So he makes high-quality music boxes using his skill of furniture work. As well as the fineness of music boxes that are really like treasure boxes.
≪動画―音出マス≫ なんでしょ、このウキウキ感。
There are so many kinds of music boxes in the gallery. We can't bring this big one to our gallery so I put a video here.
What is this exhilaration!!
A music box just for me, a gift for marriage or birth of a baby, there are plenty of ways to use this treasure box. They play someone's history.
The other content of our meeting was for wooden bags. It was hard to force myself to choose only my favorite.
My.Kumano dwells on wooden material and structure. No two are ever the same since he cares about wooden patterns. His elaborate technique also makes them lightweight, and warm wood colors are a match with any fashion, casual and formal, or kimonos, too. They are unique.
I noticed that I was posing and standing in front of the mirror before I knew it! Hahaha
He was in a famous magazines before so I knew that he is a popular artist. So it will be a pleasure to have his exhibition at Chez Keiko. We were very glad to meet him.
ラベル: Chez Keiko
The other day, we got a lot of strawberries from my friend Masami. Is it a privilege to have this wonderful friend? Otherwise, because I am living in Tochigi prefecture where strawberries are famous? I guess because of the former. Anyway, these are so big! There was the aroma of strawberry around the house for a few days.
Like this big!! Furthermore, so sweet and juicy! We eat half of them directly even though there was so much. (Not just me, my partner also eats a lot!)
This is what my partner's good at making...Smoothies. Yes, just put soy milk and some fruit like strawberries together, but he was making proudly.こんな贅沢よいのでしょうか・・・。
What luxury it is!! I think that even in Japan, fruits are little more expensive than in other countries.
3 days later, I tried to make something. This is strawberry crumble.We really liked that so I will introduce in here.
・耐熱皿にイチゴを並べておきます 。
・Put the strawberries in some bakeware.
・Mix flour (brown flour), almond powder, oil and a little bit of brown sugar in a bowl.
You can put flakes or meusli also.
・Dredge the flour on the strawberries then roast in the oven until it turns golden on top.夏などはアイスクリームを添えてもいいですね。
It might be good with ice cream!
Enjoy this strawberry season!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
「どうやって使うの?・・」の二人の言葉に・・・・・ぎょっとした私。w( ̄▽ ̄;)w!!
「え~~~~っっと」 十の位までの計算を簡単に説明してごまかしました。
Where we had 'soba Japanese noodle" for lunch, I found an interesting thing. Can you guess??
"Old Japanese abacus (counting frame)" that had 5 beads on the lower column. Usually they have 4 beads since 1935 in Japan because of the change of arithmetic education. So this 5 beads abacus can tell you how old it is and that it was well cared for.
They asked me "How do you use?"
Me "uuummmmmmmmm......"
I knew it, since abacus was a compulsory subject in Japan when I was an elementary school kid, but....(´-ω-`;)ゞ
"Ok, this goes to here and,,," I showed them just a few things.その後そろばんの難しい質問が飛んでこないうちに・・前回に紹介した味噌屋さんへLet’s go・・。
So,we moved on to the miso shop which I posted at previous this blog! before they asked me further question about the abacus.....
Then, after enjoyed the carefully-protected and fostered taste of the dengaku in Abuden, we found another interesting thing in the courtyard.
「水琴窟 すいきんくつ」ご存知ですか?
It is a "Suikinkutu"
It is a Japnese garden music device using water flow from a Japanese stone basin.
The water in the inside makes sound like a Japanese harp or bell. It has invented by a gardener during the Edo period.
どれどれ・・・ 地中に刺している竹筒に耳をあてます。 響きます。。琴の鍵盤が水でできているのかと思わせる音色。。
Well, shall we.... put an ear on the bamboo cylinder. It is ringing.... The sound reminds me of a Japanese harp but made of water. It can echo into the body and heart.
We had a comfort to eyes, tongue, ears and mind at the miso shop.
時間があったので”蔵の街 栃木市”を散策。2回に分けてレポートしますね。
The other day, my partner, our friend Kushi, and I went to Tochigi-city for a music concert.
We had time before the concert, so we had a stroll through the surrounding "Tochigi city old warehouse town" Here is the report! Part1.
"Old warehouse town" is a fitting title. We could see some historical buildings around. These remind me of old memorial views of Japan.
OK, let's move then, what's next is,"Miso shop". They have an eat-in space for "味噌田楽- miso-dengaku" and it's so famous. (Miso-dengaku: Grilled tofu or vegetables skewered on bamboo with sweet miso paste)
Here is a traditional miso shop called 'Abuden miso", since Edo period (230 years ago). The building is also a historical house so I can tell that they have been taking good care of it. It has been registered as a cultural landmark.I felt like, their time has been stopped.
Here is a picture of Samurai and dengaku in Edo period.
The name 'Dengaku' came from the name of the dance dengaku that developed as a musical accompaniment to rice planting observances in ancient Japan.
One performance of dengaku dance looks like grilled tofu skewered on bamboo with sweet miso paste.
In ancient times of Japan, during the rice planting season, there was a caller that was very much like "Dengaku dance" and farmers planted to the rhythms of dengaku.
Spring: Let's start field work!
Summer: After farming prayer and festival for the productiveness of grain
Autumn: Have harvest festival
~~There are traditions that vary with the seasons~~
隣のテーブルでは、TV撮影?! 話題の味噌田楽を囲み、じ~~~っと静止画像を撮影しています。しかも30分以上もモニターと実物を見比べながら・・すごいですね~、撮影って。メイクさんがいないだけで、あとは人の撮影と見間違えるところでした。
At the next table while we are talking.
TV cameras!? There are some of men surrounding a dish and shooting without moving. They were taking comparison and actual images for over half an hour.
Wow, so much work for them. It was just like filming people except there was no make up!メニューにあった”甘酒”。大好きなんです。。
”甘酒 最高!”と心の中でつぶやいていました・・
This is my favorite traditional drink too."Amazake- a sweet drink from fermented rice)
Usually people use some sugar but this amazake don't use it and pulls the natural sweetness from the fermented rice. In my head I hear 'Looooove Amazake!!"
きたきた~きましたよ~。 田楽。
豆腐、里芋、こんにゃく。 しかも3種共味噌味が違います。
Here it is!!! Dengaku came!!
Tofu, aroid(kind of potato) and konnyaku. Also there are 3 different types of miso. They have not just long history, they also have a pleasant taste. I feel frustrated that my power of expression is poor so I can't explain how good it was. Leave the flavor of miso in rich and well-made sweetness.
I wonder how deep the 230 years time-honored history is....
To be continued...
”bistro WARABI" 栃木市です。
This time, I found a new restaurant called " bistro WARABI " in Tochigi city.
オススメは”釜リゾット” ご飯を炊くお釜でリゾットがでてきちゃうんです。
My recommendation is the 'rice kettle risotto' from the menu. It is so simple but that is a good thing. It has a condensed risotto taste! Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and parmesan cheese. It is worth a try!一緒にお皿をたいらげているのはサッチャン。これがまたイイ女なんですよぉぉ。料理上手で、しかも裁縫だって得意なので、私のヘアーアクセサリーやら携帯ストラップだったり、お洒落小物も作ってくれちゃいます。多才な彼女、なんでもこなせちゃう分、強いです(笑)でも知ってるよ、本当はカワイイ乙女なのよね☆
The lady inhaling her food with me is Sachi. She is so attractive. She knows how to cook and is also good at sewing, so some of my hair accessories and mobile phone straps were made by her. I like her sense. She is a versatile girl and can handle anything so that makes her act tough. But, I know that she is a sweet girl, also!!
さてさて、今回女二人の議題・・・・ ムフフフフ。ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Well, our topic was.....
How women polish themselves before marriage and after marriage.
Being overshadowed by the business of daily living, children (I don't have any yet), care for family or work. How do you reflect on yourself?
私は幸運なことに、主婦、子育て、仕事、お洒落、自分磨き・・等々、それらと上手に付き合っている友人が多いので、彼女達から沢山ヒントをもらえている気がします。 ありがとうございます☆ (-m-)”
It is easy to say that you don't have time!!! It is simple to excuse or line up reasons. Actually I tend to do it too.
But you could suddenly realize someday....Don't let something be missing from your inside.
I think I am lucky since I have a lot of girlfriends who are doing well enough with being a good wife, raising children, work, enjoying being a lady, brushing up...etc., so I can get good hints from them.
Thank you! ☆ With my love! о(μωμ)о
ラベル: Friends
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
はい、いつもよりテンションあがっていますよ。だって、ホワイトゥ デイ でごわす。
Hi, I had a great White day today!!
もらっちゃいました。殿方からの手作りスイーツ!! w( ̄▽ ̄;)w!!
What was great?! It was my first taste of getting hand made sweets from a man!!
In Valentines day, I and another girl in my group gave a box of chocolates to every other team mate. So today, one of the guys brought a sweet and said that he made dolce for us!! For white day!! How nice!!!!!
I am really glad about this because I'm always on the side of cooking something for somebody, so it is glad to be on the side of having something sweet handmade by a man!! So, I got stars in my eyes from the morning. I think I could have done a lot for my job today... Might be just today... Haha
感激★ 話によると、料理が得意らしい。。。あっ、これ、プレッシャーね(笑)
Loooook, it looks like a Tiramisu, inside is fluffy mousse like pudding and some coffee wet sponges. It is mild sweetness and soft and light smoothness. I like it. He prepared a spoon in a fancy bag so we can eat in the office. But I brought it back to the house so I can enjoy after dinner. I heard he likes cooking. Oh yeah , this can be pressure for my partner!!? haha.
This is my happy one day. Yes, Handmade!!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ゛
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I tried one dish that gives the feeling of spring(or early summer)
Well, I just tried it because we had a lot of left in the refrigerator.
”Leafy greens jelly"
(Jelly is made using Japanese vegetable gelatin= agar)料理本によると、えのきやとろろ昆布もいれるのですが、そこはあくまで冷蔵庫にあるものを使うのがMeの基本。替わりにシイタケと青のりを入れてみましたよ。
It should be used with some kind of mushrooms and a kind of seaweed in the cookbook, but in my way I want use something from what I have in my refrigerator now. so I used shiitake mushrooms and aonori seaweed this time.
1・青菜をさっと塩茹で。Boil green leaves with pinch of salt lightly.
Boil Shiitake with seaweed soup stock then put a little soy-sauce and salt - it actually makes soup. Then put vegetable gelatin and melt it.
Prepare a lightly wet flat pan and put boiled green leaves and sprinkle the aonori.
4・2を流しいれて、荒熱をとって冷蔵庫で固める。Put the gelatin melted soup in the pan and place the jelly in the refrigerator until it sets.
5・すりおろした生姜をのせていただく。。Put ground ginger on top before serving.
もちろんMeが作ったので美味しいですよ(笑) (ノ∀≦*)ノ゛ ホントカ!?(笑)
Of course!!! it is delicious because I made it! Haha, hopefully...
Looks refreshing so it will be good at summer parties as an appetizer. Also it is good to cool the plate and eat it cold. Good harmonics with a refreshing genteel taste.
I might try some other recipes for this! It may be good with soured plums...
If need more detailed recipe, let me know☆
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
「ルパン三世」 シリーズ。 イイですねぇ。 子供の頃から大好き。
Recently I have been watching a DVD that I really like.
It is the "Lupin the 3rd" animation series. I have enjoyed the series since I was child.
Music, superb lines, hard-boiled and adult story...Even today it's a hot animation.
When I was a child, my mum told us that we should not eat while watching TV, except when watching "Lupin the 3rd". Haha, so, she likes it too.
Now I'm watching the 1st series from 1970 with green jacket Lupin. I just started but I quite like it. I found some great lines from the first episode.
第1話 ルパンを裏切って逃亡した不二子の車に、いつの間にか後部座席に乗り込んでんいるルパン。
At the scene of the 1st episode: The girl named Fujiko was driving a car and she was just two-timing and running away from Lupine. But Lupine was on the back seat out of nowhere.
Fujiko: You came to liquidate me?
Lupine: Oh no, treachery is like a woman's jewelry, it wouldn't do to complain about every little thing, don't you think?
いやっっほうゥゥ、カックイイィィ~~~ こんな言葉言われてみたい。。。あと、注目なのは、不二子ちゃんの衣装、毎回違うんですねぇぇ、しかもオシャレ。参考にしますわ(笑)めざせ不二子!! ルパン三世永遠のヒーロー、オススメよん☆
Yee-haaaa! That's cool, isn't it?! I'd like to be spoken to like that. Another interesting point is how Fujiko always wears different dresses and fancy clothes. I like that, too. Try to be more like Fujiko!! haha. Super hero Lupine the Third - watch it!!
ここにMusicだけ・・ Lupin III 1978 full theme
ラベル: Thinking
ストレス・・・か。 この言葉でいろいろな問題が片付けられてしまうのが悔しい。。
病院に行っても、ストレス性・・・の診断。 そんな時、姿勢までも変わってしまっている自分が鏡に映る。 原因はわかっている。早く治さなくちゃ。
My health has been upset these days. My stomach is bothering me.
Stress...... It's a shame to sort out many things together with this word.
But I got stress diagnosis from hospital, too.
Then, I reflect in the mirror whom even posture has changed, too. I know the cause... I want to get well soon.
It was in a book, some words...
"A big occurrence, seemingly a bad thing, is an undercover 'Notice' for you and it happens as a lesson for something. If you don't realize the warning, such trials will happen more than once, but if you realize, then your level of mental discipline for yourself will improve and things will go smoothly."
今までの私だって、沢山悩んだり、失敗したり・・ でも、それでこそ今の自分がある。
That reminds me that I wrote in my notebook a long time ago.(The notebook in which I write about my thoughts or things that I want to keep in mind)
That time, when I think about unhappiness or am impatient with myself, I think I am growing.
Because, to this day, I have had many worries or mistakes I could learn from, and evolve into what am I today.
ラベル: Thinking