先日はス ペシャル・フラワーアレンジメントクラスを開催しました。
今回は講師「なかむら ふみ」さんのお名前を聞いて、東京や千葉県からのご参加いただいた方や、フラワーアレンジメントの先生方も参加頂き、定員満でした。

We had Hanna Special Flower Arrangement Class the other day. It was limited seating with people coming from other prefectures, and the flower arrangement teacher Fumi Nakamura attended.
As I expected of her, Fumi has experienced and has been active in the front lines and wrote /multi-authored over 10 books.
I appreciate participants and Fumi Nakamura for this class event.

I could tell that attendees were enjoying and doing seriously and I was glad to see it. Smiles are always needed. This time, they made a Christmas wreath. About 80cm wreath has big volume!

フレッシュのオレゴン産もみを、ふんだんに使った馬蹄形のリース。 香も森林浴をしているかのように教室いっぱいに広がっていました。アイスブルーは特に香豊か・・・。
It was a horseshoe-shaped wreath with profuse fresh Oregon pine leaves. Theye are full of aroma like forest in the room. Especially ice-blue had fragrant smell. Teacher Fumi got tassels and ornaments in Christmas markets in Germany.

After the class, I set up cake for them from my favorite cake shop in Utsunomiya.
There were good times for talking about Christmas and ornaments, a lot had chats with the teacher. I think they had a good time. Then we closed the class.

This is a horseshoe-shaped wreath. At first with simple. They add ornaments as Christmas nears. That sounds romantic!!

次回(こちらの企画全2回)は12月 22日お正月用アレンジメント。
花器は現在先生が陶器を焼いて作ってくれているそうです。 嬉しいプレゼントですね。ご興味ある方はお早めに。写真よりも華やかになる予定です。

special flower arrangement class Vol.2
Next event is 22nd of December, we are going to make flower arrangement for New years day.
The flower base is made by Fumi. That is a nice present. isn't it? If you are interested →→