笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
昨年に引き続きオーダーを受けたツインリンク茂木INDY JAPAN(インディジャパン)300マイルのお仕事が終了しました。
I had work at the 2010 Series Round16 INDY® JAPAN 300 mile race held at Twin Ring Motegi in Motegi these last 3 days.こちらのお仕事は、仕事といえど(笑)毎度楽しみにしています。予選から決勝の間会場はお祭り騒ぎ。それを支える側の一員になれることも嬉しいですし、お客様と対応していると、いつもとは違った意識を持つことも楽しめます。
仕事=大変 と考えるより、何が楽しめるのかを考えるのもいいですね。
Every year I enjoy this job even though it is work. There it is like a flurry of festivity from elimination round to final day. I'm glad to be there as a staff on the support side and I'm enjoying my self having different conscious feeling as usual from meeting customers.It would be better if people try to find some joy from their own job more than thinking "Work= It's a heavy job."
This year, participation of driver Takuma Satou added more excitement to the festivities.空き時間に会場を散歩すると、HONDA車の展示も多くしていました。
I had a walk around when I had free time. I saw that some HONDA motorcycles were displayed.
Oh, speaking of HONDA, I saw the president of HONDA Mr,Itou. He appeared at the entrance of the VIP room riding his motorcycle HONDA CB1100 and wearing a riders jacket. Nifty walk in to the VIP room without his cronies. Even other VIP showed up with black executive cars and wearing suits. That was cool.
Also, one of the other presidents of a big company. He greeted all staff there politely while smiling and was a gentleman. I find something in myself from that kind of situation.
The circuit brings excitement and sensations to the people.
It makes me emotional to see the view of the morning calm of the circuit, before the festival.
ラベル: Thinking