笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Where has the extremely hot summer gone? Now, it is getting chilly little by little in Japan.
Many years ago, I met a friend in London. Her name is Chako, it was a season like now. At the time, she was studying hard at an antique art school in a famous auction company in London. We became good friends and she taught me many things when we visited museums together. Those were nice days.
Such an effective person Chako, we started the Persian & Kilim carpet exhibition at my mum's gallery Chez Keiko 5 years ago to convey Persian & Kilim's good points. Last weekend, we had a 5th anniversary party for customers as a token of special thanks.
The party was planned by Chako and I. We had contact by phone and e-mail many times.美術館でしか見れないような絨緞、キリムや更紗(当日のみ展示)とイラン料理を楽しんでいただきました。。
私が担当した料理はスーぺ・ジョー(押し麦とトマトのスープ)とボーラニェ・エスフェナージ(ほうれん草入りヨーグルト)。作り方を教わりました。とても簡単なので後日レシピをUPしますね。メイン料理はチャコが担当。We enjoyed presenting some rare collections of carpets and kilims (only on show that day) and Iranian dishes.
I cooked Suppe Joe (vegetable with barley soup) and Borani esfenaj (spinach and yogurt salad. Chako taught me the recipe. It is easy so I will post the recipes next time. The main dishes were made by Chako.
It is all because I saw many smiling guests. I was relieved when I heard 'Thank you and enjoyed the party' from them.
The party planning, setting, cooking, her hospitality... I saw another admirable part of her and learned a lot. Good friend and an encouraging partner.
いや~でもこの週末、皆で協力して頑張ったな~~。二人のママ、お父さん、兄、クロちゃん、もっちゃん、ありがとう!やりきった!! 彼女は終了後、貴重な絨緞を持つと、まだ数ヶ月の息子が待つ東京へと、絨緞に飛び乗るようにして帰っていきました。家に戻った彼女からは、膝に子供を抱きながら打った、お礼のメールが届いていました。スーパーママであり、良いお手本の女性です。
Whoof!! I think we have done well for this weekend. We work well together. Our mums, dad, brother, Kuro-chan, and Motoshi. I give special thanks to them, too.
After finishing the party, Chako rolled up the carpets and went back to Tokyo like a hop on to the carpet as soon as possible since her little son was waiting for her back at home. After she arrived, she sent me a thank you mail while typing and let her infant sitting on her lap. Such a super woman and a positive example.
The Persian carpet and Kilim exhibition is going to held 5th-10th of October at Chez Keiko.
The carpets will take you on an enjoyable journey. They make you happy.
ラベル: Chez Keiko