
The other day, I stopped by a sushi-restaurant in Utsunomiya. All seats were full of customers. The sushi was good and I noticed that they were good at dealing with people and pleasant serevice.

Before I went out of the restaurant, I used the restroom, I found a poster on the wall.
Then I saw something to my liking with staff behavior.

The contents of the poster are below.

客家(ハッカ) <18の金言
Hakka's 18 golden sayings

・ 運は親切をした相手の背中から来る
Luck comes from behind people who you nice to.

 ・ 許すことを知れば運命は変えられる
Destiny can be changed if you understand forgiveness.

 ・ 退却は重要な才能なり
Giving up is a significant gift.

 ・ 何を始めるかに最も時間を費やすべし
Spend the most time on what you start with.

 ・ ビジネスには大義名分が必要なり
Business needs a justification.

 ・ 準備していなかったチャンスはリスク
The chance that is not well prepared for can be a risk.

 ・ 小さい約束こそが重要なり
Small promises can be important.

 ・ 家族を蔑ろにする者は成功せず
Sneeze at family, never succeed.  

 ・ お金に使われず、お金を働かせるべし
Do not be used by money, activate money.

 ・ 50人の仲間が成功の核心となる
50 friends can be the core of success.

 ・ 金鉱ではスコップを売るべし
Sell shovels at a gold mine.

 ・ 安売りには必ず終わりがやってくる
Bargain offers come to an end.

 ・ 嫉妬は成功の敵、愛嬌は成功の素
Jealousy is against of success, winsomeness is a steppingstone to success.

 ・ 物事は因数分解して考えよ
Think things with resolution into factors.

 ・ 汗ではなく考えることこそが富を生む
Thinking instead of sweating generates wealth.

 ・ 笑顔はコストゼロの最良戦略
Smile is the best strategy with non cost.

 ・ 「ありがとう」は必ず声に出すべし
'Thank you ' should be voiced.

 ・ 欲望に忠実になるためにこそ禁欲的に
Be ascetic in order to adhere to desire.

勉強になりました。(上記英語はざっと訳したものです。参考までに.. もっと正しいものあれば教えてください~)
Ummm, it is educational. (I just lightly did the English translations for reference)

Hakka is the people scion of Han people of China. They are known as they have been a source of many millionaires and leaders.


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