笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
とっても簡単なので試してみてね☆ 食べるスープ感覚です!
'Persian party was good and we had favorite comment the other day.
I got an Iranian ( Ash-e Joe) soup recipe from my friend Chako.
Actually, when I had this in her house for the first time, I asked her to refill many times since it was very delicious!!
Recipe is simple, so you should try!! It is like a soup you can eat.
押し麦のスープ(スーぺジョー)だいたい 6-8人分
Rolled barley soup (Ash-e Joe) for 6-8 people
・チキンスープもしくはビーフスープ (1200ccの水に固形スープ2)(ここでは私はベジタリアン用スープストックを使います)
Chicken or beef soup stock (1200cc)
-I use vegetarian soup stock-
・乾燥押し麦 1カップ
Rolled barley 1cup
Carrot 1 (chopped)
Onion 1 (chopped)
Green peas or greens (to provide added color)
Parsley or Celery leaves (to provide added color)
Salt and Pepper
・トマトジュース 500cc
Tomato juice 500cc
Lemon juice
1 ・
Put A in to big soup pan and steam them.(simmering the mixture over low heat about for 2hours with continue adding water).2・
トマトジュースを上記の分量に対しだいたい500cc位を加た後、お好みでグリンピースやパセリのみじん切りを加え、塩コショウで味を調える。 食べる直前に お好みでレモンを加えて召し上がれ♪
Add about 500cc tomato juice then add green pears and parsley as you like. To taste with salt and pepper.
Add lemon juice just before eating it.
Enjoy the soup!!
Oh, speaking of Persia...
These are my favorite kilims in the exhibition last week.これはソフレといって、遊牧民が食事の際に敷いて使う食卓布のキリム
This is call 'Sofreh', used to eat on, the family would seat around the Sofreh Kilim.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking