笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
しつこいようですが(笑) 明日の木曜夜はサーズデーナイトフィーバー開催です。(宇都宮のカフェやレストランの屋外出店集合!)
そして今回は拡大版!!! いつもより出店数も増えます。
明日は暖かくなりそうなので心地よさそ~ あ~~飲んじゃいたい。。
It may seem that I am repeating but,,,We are going to have Thursday Night Fever !!! (Food stand gathering by restaurants and cafes around Utsunomiya city) And! It is going to be a bigger event than usual. So, there will be a music live event for that, too.
The weather will be warm tomorrow so it will be nice and relaxing outside. Whhhhh, I also want to enjoy a drink !!!
Anyway, I should start the preparation!!
Don't go home straight after finishing your work, stop by and see us!
You can drop by the event while out walking!
17:00~21:00 @宇都宮二荒山神社前 バンバ広場
Banba Hiroba in Utsunomiya
http://www.city.utsunomiya.tochigi.jp/kanko/kankou /spot/007022.html
LIVE musician イベントゲスト
ラベル: Art