笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I have a strange coughing from last night.
Nooooo. I can't accept that. I can't be catching a cold now for this important week. Hoping not.
I need for 2 days at least until final day of this exhibition.
Just before closing my gallery today, a lady who is the owner of Korean restaurant nearby called 'Tsuki-no-tsubo' visited my gallery. (This is I and my husband's favorite Korean restaurant recently) She came back right after she left the gallery, she brought Korean ginseng tea and a bottle of honey citron tea for me and said 'You seems having sore throat from having busy days, so these might help you'
うれしい。 これで余裕もって26日企画最終日まで持ちます!!あと2日、頑張るよ~☆ 風邪なんてひいてられない!
I was so pleased. Thank you sooo much madam!! I'm sure that these can help me a lot for 2 days! For the final days of this exhibition, I can't catch a cold!
ラベル: hanna
My nutritional supplement recently.
I got a lot of a kind of oranges from a friend in Hiroshima.
This is quite a sour orange so usually I use for fruit juice, salad dressing or other cooking.
I have been busy these days for my job so I haven't been eating properly lately.
Although my husband has peak of his job so having very busy days, too.
ラベル: Family
最近はどうしてもギャラリーの話題になってしまいます。 すみません。。
Feel the urge to post about my gallery recently. Sorry about that.
I had soooooooooooo great happening today.
A gallery in Aichi prefecture where I was following the website because they have good selection of artist and cool place.
Surprisingly, the owner of the gallery visited my gallery today. →here
Also she was surprised that I already knew and was following the gallery.
I was really glad to see her because I was aiming to be as successful as her gallery.
Although we talked about helping to introduce good artists to each other. So I want to introduce good artists in Tochigi to Aichi prefecture.
I'm so happy tonight. I might enjoy some little drink tonight even though I've been staying off drinks recently because of having tension for these days.
I got nice labeled wine present today!!
The chance to connect with people has really made my day.
ラベル: hanna
It's been going for 4 days after opening my gallery.
We had over 300 visitors for these days.
I wonder that I could talk to thank each of them.
Thank you so much.
こちらお花の一部。思い出に残るよう、写真にも撮っておいています。 こんな粋なストロベリーのプレゼントまで☆ 素敵なラッピング。 (初日3日間は着物でお出迎えできました)
These are many of flowers which I never had before like this much.
Photo is part of flowers I received. I love this strawberry cute present box. (I wore kimono for first 3 days to welcome customers)「やっぱりASUCOさんだったのね~」といらっしゃっていただいた、以前お会いした方も数人。嬉しい再会が沢山。 今回の企画展、引き続き26日まで。 がんばります☆
I was so pleased that I had some reunions that I didn't expect to meet and they said, 'I was guessing it is you! and that why I came to this gallery!'
This exhibition, "Kyoko Shimada ceramic art exhbition with opening the door of HANNA" will continue to be held until the 26th. I'll enjoy it!
ラベル: hanna
Finally, I am opening my shop (gallery) tomorrow.
The time passed already 12 O'clock midnight.
I have to apologize that I have some friends who I couldn't give my announcement.
今まだ自分でも信じられない感じです。 大丈夫かしら?
I still feel that I can't believe myself. Hopefully it will be OK.
I was sometimes crying with things I was frustrated or sad more than half years ago.
But then after half of year, I have been crying with some things I was so pleased.
Friends, family and my husband, they know me for a while and gave me support.
ありがとう。 来てくれた方が、楽しく穏やかな雰囲気を感じれる場所にしていこうと思います。
Thank you so much. I want the galley to be such that people can enjoy and have a comfortable time.
ギャラリー ハンナ 絆和
Gallery HANNA
ラベル: hanna
Gallery Hanna-絆和-が、本日(2月3日)の栃木よみうりに掲載頂きました。
I got in Tochigi Yomiuri newspaper with my gallery today☆.
ラベル: hanna
My art gallery is opening next week. I'm still a little bit worried that I can't complete preparation, otherwise I sent some DM (direct mail) to my friends and could inform them.
Opening is next week on 10th of February.
ギャラリーHANNA-絆和-といいます。 HP→ http://galleryhanna.com/
I named it Gallery HANNA. HP→ http://galleryhanna.com/ (Unfortunately, the page currently fails to load for older versions of Internet Explorer)
My role is to be as a link between artist and customer.
Because I like people and handwork from the heart...
For artists...who make beautiful work but are not very good with introducing themselves.
For friends...who want to find affluent time with beautiful work in life.
Quality of works is important but I feel that it becomes people to people at the end. So I wish that I can be a link for them. That is what I want to do.
I hope to be the gallery reviving the favor and warmly watching from you.
ラベル: hanna