笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
It's been going for 4 days after opening my gallery.
We had over 300 visitors for these days.
I wonder that I could talk to thank each of them.
Thank you so much.
こちらお花の一部。思い出に残るよう、写真にも撮っておいています。 こんな粋なストロベリーのプレゼントまで☆ 素敵なラッピング。 (初日3日間は着物でお出迎えできました)
These are many of flowers which I never had before like this much.
Photo is part of flowers I received. I love this strawberry cute present box. (I wore kimono for first 3 days to welcome customers)「やっぱりASUCOさんだったのね~」といらっしゃっていただいた、以前お会いした方も数人。嬉しい再会が沢山。 今回の企画展、引き続き26日まで。 がんばります☆
I was so pleased that I had some reunions that I didn't expect to meet and they said, 'I was guessing it is you! and that why I came to this gallery!'
This exhibition, "Kyoko Shimada ceramic art exhbition with opening the door of HANNA" will continue to be held until the 26th. I'll enjoy it!
ラベル: hanna