I was on the local TV show as I informed last time.
慣れていないことなので、とても緊張しました。 終わってからも、見ていてくれた友人や知人、
お客様から沢山のメッセージを頂きました。 励みになりました、ありがとうございます。
was really nervous since I'm not used to such a thing. After that, I got many
messages from friends, customers, and people who I know. It was a great
encouragement for me. Thank you so much.
いい気になって鼻がふくらんじゃうじゃないか?” と言っていたそうです(笑) まったく・・。 これで店が大繁盛でもして大金持ちにでもなればいい気になりますよ

heard that my dad said to mom that, "She would get all smug and be full
of herself since getting on TV show". haha. Whatever he says, I could
be a pleased with myself if I would be rich by success with my
gallery! Some day...I will do my best toiling to make a living
for myself.fuuumm.
でも今回の体験はとても勉強になりました。 あれだけの緊張症。自分の結婚式の時なんか、
”自分のため”ではなく、”人のため” と思うようにしてみました。
this time is good experience for me to learn myself. I'm easily strained.
For example, when it was our wedding party, I got sick when starting to
walking into the party hall.
But, this time, I changed how I thought. I was thinking about "I do for someone else instead of for me."
Sometimes my mother says, "If you think and do for just yourself, things
would be tough, but if you think and do for someone around you, you
can do your best and things go well"
So, I
thought that way of my thinking to do for artists who I have exhibition
from outside of this prefecture and there is not so much fun in this
prefecture yet, so I wanted to introduce them on local TV. That thought
made me step forward.

スタジオの中に居てくれました。 でも、どぎまぎしている私を前に、カメラの向こう側では、叔父が 居眠りしていました。。。おかげで笑えました。良い経験に感謝。
that day it was live TV. My husband came with me and my uncle and
aunt, too, because they were concerned for me. They were in the studio
while on the air. But, my uncle fell asleep on the other side of
camera in front of me while I got stage fright. It made me smile.