I haven't been updating my blog for a while.... Yes, I'm still alive....
"Every day is very fulfilling" so, too many things I want to write...
To begin with report about the previous exhibition at my gallery HANNA even though it was a little while ago.
There was Hideo Hoshi's aizome (indigo dyeing) exhibition -Japan blue- holding 9th of June -24th June.
星さんの特徴は、「型染め」という、独自のオリジナルの模様や古典柄を用いた模様や絵柄の型をつくり、布地に合わせ藍で染めあげます。そこから、バッグや札入れなど、ほんとうに沢山の種類の小物を作ります。 藍染めの色合いの綺麗さと、柄の楽しさ、しっかりとした縫製など、一つ一つの工程にこだわりがみられます。

Hoshi's specialty of aizome is called 'katazome' technique which uses templates of pictures inspired from old typical Japanese patterns or Hoshi's original patterns and dyed indigo-blue. Then he makes original bags or wallets, etc...so many kinds of things he makes. They are beautiful indigo blue, enjoyable patterns and qualified sewing work. I could tell his obsessiveness in each work.

Also he is an artisan of Nikko-geta (Japanese wooden clogs).
結果・・?そう・・・大好評。予想していたよりも沢山のお客様に来ていただいて、予想以上の反響でした。藍の型染めに感動する方、日光下駄を気に入る方、 そして嬉しかったのは、星さんのお人柄にほれ込んで、何度も足を運んでいただく方もいました。

Actually this exhibition was going to be a kind of challenge for me because I've just opened my gallery only 4 months so I don't have a lot of regular customers and it was Hoshi's first exhibition.
Finally?? it was gooood. There were many more visitors than we expected and had a good response. Some people were impressed by his dyeing work, some people likeed Nikko-geta. What I was moved by is many people came several times to the gallery during the exhibition since they like Hoshi's personality.

When I saw the artist and customers having fun with their talking, I feel that I'm being able to be closer to what I wanted. Connecting artists and costumers.

This can be my food for my job, wishing for many encounters and waiting for smiling faces of my costumers who visit everytime at the front door of HANNA gallery.
That is what I was thinking when I closed the previous exhibition.
Thank you for everything.

Thank you, Hideo Hoshi-san.