笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は冬至。いつもはシャワーで済ませる日が多いのですが、今夜は柚子をお風呂に浮かべてゆっくり。 柚子のよい香りと、とろっとした湯に癒してもらいました。体もぽかぽかです。
今夜は音楽を聴きながら、お風呂に浸かりなから思っていたこと。。 人は愚かだとか、悲惨な現代なんて言われたりするけれど、「人は感謝をすることができる生き物」だということ。
On the winter solstice
We have the winter solstice today. I usually
only take a shower but I had yuzu (Japanese citron) bath tonight, which
is an old tradition for the winter solstice day in Japan. Pleasant scent and could feel thick nice
water, keeping my body warm. I’ve been feeling cold recently so it is good
aroma around, helps to avoid catching cold, and contains an ingredient to make the
skin smooth.
When I was taking a bath and listening to music, I was thinking that
how humans
are blessed even though sometimes people talk about how sadness or
folly is
now on the world news. We can think about thankfulness. Perhaps I could
get a severe attack of sickness or be hobbled by debts at some time in
the future. But, we still can be
thankful and don't want to forget it. So we have to realize that we are
born and exist as human beings which have emotion of thanks.
ラベル: Thinking
でも、先日 私のことを、
「最近 シナモンロールちゃんになってきたね~♪」 と言っていました。 よく分からないけど、カワイイ言い方だからいいか・・と流して聞いていましたが、本日冷蔵庫で見つけました。
Today's dinner!! Yuba (bean curd skin). My husband loves this a lot. So
he was looking forward to having this since yesterday because I usually
start cooking 1 day before eating. And I make about 10 yuba rolls for
two of us so we can enjoy this for a couple of days.
But...I'll give
him just 1 tonight, he should regret that he told me that I'm turning
into a cinnamon roll-chan recently... (`ε´#)
Cinnamon roll-chan
ラベル: Family
とても個性的に。。 そして、また同じところ(土)に還る。
On the way to home, I stopped at a forest and had a short walk with my
trekking shoes. It reminded me a drawing class which I went to when I
was a kid. We collected leaves and drew them.
They are all
brown at first sight. They must have originated from the earth and
verdantly grown and spread away with green during the summer. If you
look closely, you can see that each one has different colors, shapes,
wrinkles, smells, etc. They each have their own character. And moreover,
they will
return to the same place (earth) . That crossed my mind.
ラベル: Thinking
今日はKABUKI! 今年2回目。 仕事も兼ねていたので洋服で。
I went to see Kabuki today. I wish that I could move like the female impersonators, because they are so beautiful!
ラベル: Family
Feel toward the end of summer by cooking"ratatouille" with summer seasonal vegetables. I enjoyed it with short pasta tonight.
今日から理由が重なって・・・数日間、我が家に居候?ゲストが居ることになりました。 犬好きの私にとってはたまらなく嬉しい機会(笑) スーちゃんです。 今日はあまりにも私に疲れたのか、遊び疲れたのか?もうぐっすり。。
スーに向かって"スーの変え歌” 歌い続ける私に、スーはただじっと見つめる、みつめる。。たまに首傾げて。 ある意味、彼女被害者ですね。。
Today was the first day of my baby-sitting job. The baby is!!! Sumomo!
we call Sue! She is good girl and we are enjoying her games. Also she
might like my singing!
現在HANNAハンナで企画展中 ~雨待ち~田村一陶展 ~6/2まで。いつもいらっしゃって頂くお客様も勿論ですが、今回は県内や笠間の作家さんも多く来場していただいて
います。 マットな白から、釉薬のはたらきで艶のある白、水色・・。シンプルなかたちから、心の変化を思わせるような様々なかたち・・。 ギャラリーの雰
~Amemachi~Hajime Tamura ceramic exhibition is being held at Gallery HANNA, from May 18th to June 2nd 2013.
ラベル: hanna
I visited and put flowers on the family grave. This makes me feel calm and peaceful.
ラベル: Family
家の中では菜食中心の我が家。サラダのレパートリーも増えました。 最近気に入っているのが、USの友人が買ってきてくれたオリーブベースのトリュフ・オイル。色々使えるのは勿論!&風味豊で美味しい!そして先日、因島の友人が箱で送ってくれた柑橘類(色々)。
Our favorite salad recently. Using truffle oil, I got from a friend in US, the bottles of olive oil to which the aroma of truffles has been added.
That oil is fascinating oil!!! You may love to add to any plate! It has good and rich aroma. Then we got a box of a kind of oranges and grapefruit.
To make the salad, mix with grapefruit, grated radish or carrot, apple vinegar, and a little bit of salt and truffle oil, dried herbs then put on top of greens. Finally, sprinkle some sesame or amaranth seeds.
Bon appetit !!!!
最近の我が家のはまりもの。。 クリーミーなグリーンソース。
青菜と豆乳、半日水に漬けた生カシューナッツをミキサーで。。この状態をみて、「おいしそう・・・」と言ってくれる旦那さま。。 よく教育されているでしょ。。。!?
I just posted about spinach curry a few days ago but I post another similar tonight. Because we like those recently.
Creamy green sauce.
Many yummy green vegetables for Spring!!So use plenty of green leaves for green sauce.
Put green leaves, soy-milk and soaked raw cashew nuts together in a mixer.
Actually, my husband looked at the mixer at that time and said "Muuu looks yummy !!" Yes I educated him well as a smart wife even though it is very easy to do...
I used only soy milk for cream sauce but I found to add raw cashew nuts making it more rich and .creamy. We had the sauce with gnocchi last night
少し火を通して、シンプルに塩・胡椒で味付け。 そこに茹であがったニョッキを添える。旦那さま、簡単でゴメンネ!(笑)
It's good to heat up or steam the sauce and season with salt and pepper simply. Put the boiled gnocchi on the plate with the sauce.
For my darling!! sorry to so easy for make the dinner!!
来てくれるお客様、支えてくれる家族、の顔を思い浮かべながら、「笑顔で来ていただいて、ありがとうございます。いつも支えてくれて、ありがとうございます。」 と言いながら掃除をするのですが・・・。
There are some things I learned from my mother as an older owner of her own gallery or I trying to imitate her. One of the things is toilet cleanings.
In the morning, I clean the toilets saying words of "thanks" to customers who come to my gallery, family who supports me, and thinking of their faces.
However, we have 3 toilets in the gallery and another one for private use. So 4 toilets, even though the house isn't very big!!
It takes time for me to finish in the morning.... Also I was talking to them alone while cleaning...
But I think it is good thing to do, so I'll enjoy it.
ラベル: hanna
Gallery HANNA ハンナが Asahi shinbun Asia&Japan Watch (朝日新聞 英語版)に掲載されたようです。 以前掲載の朝日新聞と若干ですが、内容や構成が変わっています。
初めて知りました(笑)英語の勉強にご一読どうぞ(笑) それとか、house gets new life as art
gallery 「家に新たな息吹」・・と、素敵な言い方で嬉しいです。ありがたい。
Gallery HANNA in Asashi shinbun Asia&Japan Watch.
It explains well about what I do with my gallery, so I sent e-mail to my family in US and friends around the world.
ラベル: hanna
いよいよ、Gallery HANNA ギャラリーハンナ「米倉 万美」作品展がスタートし、2日目を迎えました。 雨と風の中にも関わらず、万美さんのファンを始め、沢山のお客様にお越しいただきました。
Just as it came to 2nd day, for "Mami Yonekura" exhibition at my gallery HANNA.
So many of her fans and people visit her works despite the rain and strong wind to see the exhibition.
米倉万美(よねくら まみ)さんは、栃木県那須在住の女性イラストレーター。 アンパンでおなじみの、やなせたかしさんのアシスタントを経て、現在は本の装丁から、雑誌、ポスター等に至るまで多岐にわたりご活躍です。
Mami Yonekura is an illustrator in Nasu in Tochigi prefecture. She designs covers for books, magazines, and posters in a wide range of fields.
Most of her works at the exhibition are landscape paintings of Nasu highlands using acrylic paint and colored pencil on wood covered with Japanese paper. And also, a character she created, called "proprietress of bar Royal"is famous in the town of Nasu, because it is used as character for publicizing a short film festival in Nasu.
お人柄も、お話していると、クスクス笑ってしまうくらい。。面白い方。 とてもナチュラルな方で、気取らず、人を笑わせようとしているのか、天然なのか・・・茶目っけたっぷりのお人柄。そして、絵を見ておわかるように、心からの優しさが外側に溢れている人。
I can tell the reason she gets such effort together from the town is her fascinating personality.
I like and respect her very much.
Also, she is beautiful. I don't like to admit it, but I can say that 'God gives two gifts to a person'
Her personality is...so nice and make me laugh when we are chatting. Very natural and she being just herself that means she has unaffected warmth. You can feel from her painting that genuine kindness from her inside. So I saw many of her fans, of course they like her work and her personality.
She will be at the gallery during the weekends. She may also be able to come during the week. She showed up wearing beautiful kimono during the first 2 days.
米倉 万美 作品展
Mami Yonekura Exhibition at Gallery HANNA
2013. 4.6(Sat) - 4.21 (Sun)
ラベル: hanna
Spring has come in my garden.!!
今日は天気も良く、気持ちよいですね。先週から花が一斉に咲き始めました。気が付くと庭にはだいこんの花で紫の絨毯が広がっています。 今年の庭で気付いたのはボケの花があったこと。
ラベル: house
久々の投稿です。 覗いていてくれた方がた、すみません。 Face book ではよく投稿しているのですが、こちらのブログは、英語も書くので、ついつい時期を延ばしてしまいます。 でも、ず~っと続けているブログなので、一番の愛着を持って書いているんですよ~。
This is the first time posting for a long time. It has been a long time because I want to write English for this page and I have been putting it off. But this is the blog I have been doing for the longest time. So this is my favorite one!
今回はホンレンソウカレー。 以前もホウレンカレーは投稿した記憶があるのですが、今回作り方を若干変えてみて、美味しかったので、載せてみますね。 今週はホウレンソウを沢山頂きました☆
This time, I made spinach curry!! because I got a lot of spinach. I have posted about spinach curry before. This time, I have changed the recipe a little bit that I used pasted spinach and cashew nuts. .
・にんにく みじん切り Chopped garlic
・にんじん 1.5cm角 Carrot 1.5cm dice cut
・ じゃがいも 一口程度にカット Potato 3cm dice cut
・たまねぎ 一口程度にカット Onion 4cm dice cut
・好みのカレースパイス (ターメリック・チリペッパー・クミン・ガラムマサラ等) Curry spices (any you like)
・トマト缶 1缶(カット)
Tomato tin (dice cut) 1
・ほうれん草 1束~2束 Spinach 1 a bunch of parsley.
・カシューナッツまたはピーナッツ 1.5カップ Cashew nut or peanut 1.5 cup
・生姜 みじん切り 1片 Chopped ginger
・水 1カップ Water 1 cup
1・Aを炒めておく。 トマト缶を加え15分ほど煮る。
Stir fried ingredients for A. Then add tomato tin in to the A. Simmer for about 15 minutes
Make paste with ingredients for B with using mixer.
Mix together 1 and 2 and steam for about 15 minutes
カシューナッツを加えることにより コクがでます。 今回は他に冷蔵庫に無かったので、生カシューを使ったのですが、ローストしてあるナッツ類で十分に美味しいと思います☆
It becomes a rich tasting spinach curry because of the cashew nuts. This time, I used raw cashew nuts because we had in the refrigerator, but I think roasted nuts would be good, too.
いよいよ明後日からは、次回の企画展、稲葉抱山・佳代 -こめがま展ー。
まだレイアウトがなかなか決まらず、四苦八苦しています。 ずーーっと考えながらやっているのに、残り1日となってもまだまとまらず・・・。 いつも家具などのレイアウトを大きく変えながらやっているので、一から始まるのです。
今は木曜の夜中2時。 明日は作家さんも到着するので、今日はかなり焦っています。
So! The next exhibition will start from the day after tomorrow. Inaba Hosan & Kayo ceramic exhibition -Komegama- .
I can't decide the layout for the gallery yet, even though I'm trying and spending all day. I always try to change most of the furniture for exhibitions. So I start from the beginning every time.
Now is 2 o'clock on Thursday night.. I'm pressed for time because the artist will arrive tomorrow morning.
あ~~もう寝たい。。 でも、あれしなきゃ、これも・・・。間に合うんだろうか・・・。
Ahhhhhh, I want to go to bed. But many things left to do. This and that... I wonder if I can finish by tomorrow night before the exhibition starts??
Then I realize.. ..
特に搬入は一番大変かも。体力的にも。。 でも一番、これをしている時が、自分を格好いいんじゃないかと感じれる時。 できれば妥協したくない。 。 見に来てくれる人がいるんだから。。
Taking in is the hardest thing first, specially considering for energy for my self. But, I thought that this is the time that I can be most on point with my self. I'm not willing to compromise for this as much as I can. Since people come to see for us.
そう思ったら、俄然ファイトです。 よし!!やってやる!!
So, I want to do my best!! I can do it!!!
その次に思うのは・・・。 こういう風に思えた自分。次のステップは、もっと余裕を持つことができて、待ってくれている家族のために時間を使えるように出来るようになることが、次の目標かな。。
What I thought for the next, for my self. Next my step is to have time to think about my family who are waiting for me. So my next aim is to able to spend time with my family. Thank you for my sweet husband!
ラベル: hanna
ラベル: hanna
今夜の夕食タリアテッレのトマトソースwith フレッシュなサラダホウレン草を添えて。大根サラダ、人参と南瓜のスープとWineのおつまみにOlive!
でも怠けて簡単メニュー。。。 旦那様ごめんなさい。。
それでも「美味しかった。しあわせな食事。」 と言ってくれる旦那さまの言葉に、こころ涙。。感謝です。。
Dinner tonight. Tagliatelle tomato sauce pasta with fresh salad-spinach. Japanese radish salad, carrots and pumpkin soup and olives with red wine!
During every exhibition, I can't make proper meals every day. Today
was my day off so I made something. But I just lazy to make..... I feel
sorry for my husband.
But he still says 'Thank you for delicious
dinner and happy with that ' That he say is makes me feel teary-eye. I'm
glad to hear it. So thankful for having my family with me for support.
ラベル: Family
「作品とともに時間旅行を」 素敵なフレーズですね。ありがとうございます。
各お客様に丁寧に、熱心に作品の説明をする國澤文子さんの話を、真剣に耳を傾け、作品を観るお客様の風景。。 ありがたや。。
My gallery Hanna got on a newspaper to day! .
ラベル: hanna
なのに私ったら・・・。 別の用事を入れてしまいました。。
The other day was the birthday for my husband. But, I had another meeting on that day. Yes, uuuuummmmm I'm a bad wife...
But! Thankfully, my family suggested to celebrate the birthday for him ahead of the actual day.
I'm thankful for this warm family and a husband who got married with me..
And thanks for family in US who gave me the chance to meet him.
Happy birthday darling!
ラベル: Family
Fumiko Kunisawa photo exhibition has been started at my gallery HANNA.
今回の國澤文子さん、若手女性写真家としてグループ展は何度か催していたものの、初の個展となりました。 そのためか、事前の打ち合わせでは緊張や不安の言葉を並べるものだから、直前には実は私まで緊張・不安に。。。(笑)
The exhibition is first exhibition for this young lady artist Fumiko Kunisawa even though she has experience with group exhibitions. So before starting this exhibition, the artist was talking about how she felt strain and worry so I felt the same way too, when we had meetings before the exhibition.
But, when I saw them taking in the works to the gallery, I definitely thought that "I'm glad to have the exhibition with those!!"
On the first day of the exhibition. she did a good job with interview by local TV program (Utsunomiya cable TV) even though she was nervous. And kimono suited her very well.
今回の特徴は、草花の植物をメインに撮影したものを、和紙にプリントしています。そのため、 写真としての緻密さや、光の陰影、色は美しく表現され、和紙にプリントされることでやわらかな趣きのある風合いを醸し出しています。 こういった被写体や素材選びから、文子さんの写真家としての腕とセンスですね。
ラベル: hanna