笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は冬至。いつもはシャワーで済ませる日が多いのですが、今夜は柚子をお風呂に浮かべてゆっくり。 柚子のよい香りと、とろっとした湯に癒してもらいました。体もぽかぽかです。
今夜は音楽を聴きながら、お風呂に浸かりなから思っていたこと。。 人は愚かだとか、悲惨な現代なんて言われたりするけれど、「人は感謝をすることができる生き物」だということ。
On the winter solstice
We have the winter solstice today. I usually
only take a shower but I had yuzu (Japanese citron) bath tonight, which
is an old tradition for the winter solstice day in Japan. Pleasant scent and could feel thick nice
water, keeping my body warm. I’ve been feeling cold recently so it is good
aroma around, helps to avoid catching cold, and contains an ingredient to make the
skin smooth.
When I was taking a bath and listening to music, I was thinking that
how humans
are blessed even though sometimes people talk about how sadness or
folly is
now on the world news. We can think about thankfulness. Perhaps I could
get a severe attack of sickness or be hobbled by debts at some time in
the future. But, we still can be
thankful and don't want to forget it. So we have to realize that we are
born and exist as human beings which have emotion of thanks.
ラベル: Thinking