Fumiko Kunisawa photo exhibition has been started at my gallery HANNA.
今回の國澤文子さん、若手女性写真家としてグループ展は何度か催していたものの、初の個展となりました。 そのためか、事前の打ち合わせでは緊張や不安の言葉を並べるものだから、直前には実は私まで緊張・不安に。。。(笑)
The exhibition is first exhibition for this young lady artist Fumiko Kunisawa even though she has experience with group exhibitions. So before starting this exhibition, the artist was talking about how she felt strain and worry so I felt the same way too, when we had meetings before the exhibition.
But, when I saw them taking in the works to the gallery, I definitely thought that "I'm glad to have the exhibition with those!!"
On the first day of the exhibition. she did a good job with interview by local TV program (Utsunomiya cable TV) even though she was nervous. And kimono suited her very well.
今回の特徴は、草花の植物をメインに撮影したものを、和紙にプリントしています。そのため、 写真としての緻密さや、光の陰影、色は美しく表現され、和紙にプリントされることでやわらかな趣きのある風合いを醸し出しています。 こういった被写体や素材選びから、文子さんの写真家としての腕とセンスですね。

The accent of this exhibition, photograph was mainly taken for flowers and printed on to Japanese paper. So very detailed as a photograph, shadow, colors are beautifully expressed although become a softened texture and spices are added with printing on Japanese paper. I think, like those subjects and judicious choice of material are from photographer Fumiko's technique and taste of sense.
初日は、やはりカメラ好きの方も多く来場され、何のカメラ、どんなレンズ、絞りはいくつ・・?等の質問が飛び交います。 私は、彼女の感覚が気に入ったから。。好きだと感じたから、作品として価値あるものだと感じから企画をしたのでした。 なので機材などはあまり気にかけていませんでした。質問を聞いて「なるほど、そういうところか」と、逆に考えさせられました(笑)
On that first day, many camera fans visited the gallery as we expected. And had many questions about which type of camera or lenses she uses, or size of aperture.
Why I planned her exhibition is I like her sensitivity, I felt I like her photos and thought they have value as art work. So I didn't care about what equipment she uses. The questions made me think something. ummm.

各作品名のところに植物たちの花言葉が添えてあります。合わせてお楽しみくださいね。写真の植物は「アンスリウム Anthurium」 "情熱 passion"だそうです。
This time, there is flower language with each work. Please enjoy it, too.
The picture on the left is [Anthurium]. flower language is "passion".
こちらはフレーム入りを撮ったので、光が入ってしまっていますが、「バーゼリア」は ”小さな勇気”。
On the right, sorry that has lighting on the frame since I took the pic is [Berzelia] "little of courage"
あと、こちらは「杜鵑草 ほととぎす」 ”私は永遠にあなたのもの” こんな言葉言ってみたい・・。子結構大胆な言葉もあるんですよ~。
And this is [Japanese toadlily] " I'm yours for ever"...how! I would like to say this some times... Some flower language is quite bold...
There are chilly windy days recently, but you'll enjoy the exhibition with enveloped flower warmth.