笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
There is a lot of snow, snow, snow! around Tochigi where I'm living.
こんなに沢山降るのは久しぶりでした。 1度は外出したものの、何件か用事を済ませたい仕事もあったのに、途中で家に引き返す。車にスタットレスタイヤも履いていなかったのでね。
It was first time in a while for such a big snow. I went out once, but I had to come back to the house even though I had some place to go. Because I don't have snow tires for my car.
So I changed my plan for the day.....to stay home.
I decided to make something I wanted to. Yes, every year's...
Yuzu (Japanese citrus)honey!!
I am so thankful for this season every year, we get a lot of yuzu from friends.
I start with good quality honey. One time, I chose honey because it was cheap and didn't think close. Then it tasted like...sugar?
To make, slice yuzu and put in a clean bottle with honey. Make sure that the yuzu are all covered with honey on top.
写真左はゆず大根。 ゆず・ハチミツ・大根のスライス。のどに良いんですよね。
これに酢を加えるのも良いですね。 我が家はとりあえず上記3つを混ぜるだけ。
The picture on the left, I put yuzu, honey and sliced Japanese radish. Yummy and good for your throat. You may like to put vinegar with them. But I just use for 3 (yuzu, honey, radish) for this time.
Such snowing day, stay home, listening to radio and making preserved food in the kitchen. Nice to have time like this.