笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Today, when I came back to my home from work, I got a sweet card by mail.
It is fr0m my brother's girlfriend Kuro-chin.
The card was thanks for the birthday party for her the other night.
She is a lady who is always thoughtful and cares for others.
ココでもこんな気遣いしやがって。 カワイイじゃん。
This time also.... so sweet.
早くMeの妹になっちゃいなよ。いじめないヨ・・☆ ウフフ
You should be my sister-in-law sooon Kuro-chin!! ☆I won't be hard on you~! haha
また 会いたい I want to see her once again.今年2011年2月25日、舞踏家の割鞘憂羅(ワリサヤウラ)さんが闘病の末、天国に旅立ちました。
February 25th, 2011. Dance choreographer Ura Warisaya died and went to heaven after a battle with illness. She loved flamenco for her whole life, danced and gave to people soul-shaking emotions. She was a spiritual dancer on stages. Sometimes I felt that I was watching some other artistic dance even though I was watching flamenco.
She was one of the representative flamenco dancers of Japan and had performed around the world. Also, she had a studio in Tokyo and other cities in Japan. My mother was one of her students so that is why I met her.
Over 10 years ago I met her for the first time, I was a student. She was standing wearing a white shirt, red rouge, narrow-black-pants. long boots, wearing a man's hat with beautiful posture. I remember that time very well. My first impression was"This woman, something great?!"
Thinking back now, that was her aura which I could feel anyhow even though I was a callow youngster. Since then when I met her, she was always simple, cool, graceful of bearing and had a brave atmosphere.(Picture :Me, Ura, pottery artist Kyoko Shimada)
The other day I went to ' Warisaya Ura sending gathering' in Tokyo. There were many people from the flamenco dance industry of Japan, the entertainment industry and dance industry. It was a time to rediscover how she was influential and to honor her memory.会の間際、母が「ウラさんはいつも、美しく踊るためには、美しく生活することが大切・・と教えてくれた」と言っていました。
Before, my mother told me that, "Ura always taught that if you want to dance beautifully, it is important to live with beauty."
Thinking about it, when we got a wedding present from her, it was a vegetarian cookbook and a letter. Because she knew that I like vegetarian cooking.
In the letter, her congratulatory words said, 'All the recipes in this book are delicious and beautiful.'
Her dance expression is not just from the outside, but also expressed from inside.
Ura, I am one of your fans and hope you will dance in heaven forever. I'm grateful to have met you.
パソコンとも離れて・・・ たまには大切ですね。
My husband and I went to our friends' house in a nearby prefecture for the weekend, it was like an escape from busy work days.
The couple, husband is from England and wife is Japanese.
Delicious home made foods, yummy wine, sweet discourse....
Had champagne with brunch the next day....The time goes fast.
It is good for me to put away my computer for awhile.
The high point for me was parading around the house in my pajamas all day!
Thanks to the friends who permit such friends like me.. I'm recharged!!そうそう、別な話になりますが、ポートランドの友人(←彼の犬:インディアナジョーンズ)が作ったミュージックビデオ。
Oh, yeah, another topic! I want to introduce a music video from our friends in Portland (←their dog Indiana Jones).
I quite like this, it is cute melody!? Isn't it?
I Like Your New Haircut - The Good Fight
ラベル: Friends
実家のギャラリー Chez keiko では、栃木県小山市在住の陶芸作家、喜多里加
(キタリカ)さんの作陶展が始まりました。喜多さんはChez Keikoでも人気の作家さんで、毎年着実にファンも増え続けています。
その理由は独特の世界・・・・ 一瞬、焼き物展?と思わせられるような雰囲気を醸し出しています。部屋全体が宝箱の中になりました。
喜多さんといえば、焼き物で作成したランプ(照明)や、万華鏡で有名です。今回は語るより、見る。数枚写真をUPしますね☆ 誰か万華鏡の写真の撮り方教えて~~。
My mother's art gallery Chez Keiko is holding Rika Kita Pottery Art Exhibition. Rika Kita from Oyama city in Tochigi prefecture. She is one of the popular artists at Chez Keiko, and getting more popular year after year because of her unique work... Even if just for a moment, we can forget that this is pottery exhibition? And an aura of that thought is created. The house is like a treasure box.
She is popular for the use of light stands and kaleidoscopes in her work. So this time, I just put some pictures since it is better to see than to explain by talk. Wooops, anyone tell me how can I take picture of the inside of the kaleidoscope!?!
Chez Keiko シェイ・ケイコ (詳しくはココhere)
喜多里加展 Rika Kita pottery art exhibition
5.19(Tur)~5.29(Sun) 2011 Open 10:00-17:00
ラベル: Chez Keiko
5月19日のサーズデーナイトフィーバー拡大版 が終わり、家路に・・・・。
”ヘトヘトだ~~!” とも、勿論感じるけど、家に帰って一息ついた後に目を瞑ると、頭をよぎるのは ”ありがとう” の言葉でした。。
I was on the way home from Thursday Night Fever special event tonight...
Of course I felt that 'I'm exhausted!" but on the other side of me, when I close my eyes there are words flashing through in my mind 'Thank you.".
感謝ですね。 私はこういった友人と家族に活かされているのです。深く感じました。
Customers who came for the first time, customers who came again, friends and family. I couldn't take pictures of all of them, but I had so many friends come.
It is so thankful. I deeply thought that such friends and family are keeping me alive and kicking a lot. 熊本、神戸来ていた友人(宝チャン、徳チャン、バートさん)
Friends visited from west of Japan(Takara-chan,Toku-chan, Bart-san)
SHINBI friends(テラチャン、アツチャン、チエミチャン)アナウンサーの臼井佳子さん☆先日ラジオ番組に出演させていただきました。Announcer Yoshiko Usui. I appeared on her radio program last month.
One of our costumers always brings her own dish for fruit curry of our menu. It is very nice.
There was an exciting music event!!
Thanks to all, our cafe food are sold out, so next is going to be held on 2nd of June, 2011.
しつこいようですが(笑) 明日の木曜夜はサーズデーナイトフィーバー開催です。(宇都宮のカフェやレストランの屋外出店集合!)
そして今回は拡大版!!! いつもより出店数も増えます。
明日は暖かくなりそうなので心地よさそ~ あ~~飲んじゃいたい。。
It may seem that I am repeating but,,,We are going to have Thursday Night Fever !!! (Food stand gathering by restaurants and cafes around Utsunomiya city) And! It is going to be a bigger event than usual. So, there will be a music live event for that, too.
The weather will be warm tomorrow so it will be nice and relaxing outside. Whhhhh, I also want to enjoy a drink !!!
Anyway, I should start the preparation!!
Don't go home straight after finishing your work, stop by and see us!
You can drop by the event while out walking!
17:00~21:00 @宇都宮二荒山神社前 バンバ広場
Banba Hiroba in Utsunomiya
http://www.city.utsunomiya.tochigi.jp/kanko/kankou /spot/007022.html
LIVE musician イベントゲスト
ラベル: Art
先日は久々の女子会。 なんだかお誘いもらったのも嬉しくて、心は男子気分?ウキウキ!
I had a girls' party for the first time in a long time. I was so excited since I was invited, so exhilaration
え~~子!! 粒ぞろいでしたよ・・・。 囲まれて良い気分でした。
Goooooooood girls!! They are so cute and beautiful! so I was happy to be surrounded such girls!
SHINBI女子~ やっぱり、イイ!! 刺激もあります。
SHINBI girl's !! They have a lot of fun.そして、ガールズトークは夜更けまで尽きず・・・・
Girl's talk, always never finish....until late
My conclusion for this time.
Girls always need 'stimulus' and 'magic'!!
ラベル: Friends
やっても やっても 終わらないっす。。。
Wheeeeew! I can't finish doing this.....
I wanted to take picture but I reserved for your fun later....
We have decided to go through the storehouse of Gallery Yujitsu and have 10%-60% OFF bazaar from Saturday to Monday this weekend(5/14-16). We took out so much stuff from the storehouse, so I have been busy preparing them these days. It is quite a lot of work!! I wonder if I could finish by tomorrow!?
You might able to enjoy the repertoire even just looking at everything.
Many people don't know this so maybe you are lucky to know. Any way, I'm so busy I need someone to help me!!
ラベル: Art
Today, I'll post 2 soy bean recipes.先日味噌作りの際に、大目に大豆を煮ておきました。(一晩水に浸した豆を、指で軽くつぶせるくらいに煮る)。こちらは、大豆、青大豆、黒大豆を混ぜています。
When I made miso paste the other day, I put extra soy beans to boil together. (soak soy beans in water overnight and boil until get soft as able to be mushed by fingers easily). These are mixed with green and black soy beans.
居酒屋料理で以前は ’から揚げ’が好きだった私には嬉しいレシピ。 揚げ油も少しの量でできちゃいます。2,3個でもお腹にたまる感じで、量的にも大満足。でもついつい手が伸びちゃう。。
Recipe one. Deep fried soy bean cake (Like a Japanese nugget)
I'm glad to find this recipe because I used to like having chicken nuggets at a restaurant bar. Also, you don't need to use a lot of oil for deep frying. You might have enough for even 2 or 3, but I keep eating them without thinking.
材料 Ingredients
・フォークでつぶした大豆 500g (すこし粒を残す感じで)
Boiled soy beans mushed with fork 500g (leave small pieces of the beans)
・小麦粉 (つなぎに使うだけなので、大さじ3位)
Flower (use for patting) 3 tbsp
・パン粉 (つなぎ。無くても良い 大さじ2位)
Breadcrumbs (not necessary but good if you have, 2 tbls )
・豆腐 半丁
Tofu (half of a block :200g?)
・生姜・にんにく すりおろしたもの 適量
Grind ginger and garlic as much you like
・しょうゆ 味付け用 Soy sauce 1and half of tbsp
・片栗粉 少量 Starch
・揚げ油 Oil (for deep fry)
作り方 Recipe
1・ 片栗粉、揚げ油以外の材料を混ぜる Mix the ingredients other than the starch and deep frying oil.
2・ 適当な大きさに丸め (ナゲット型にすると、揚げ油も少量で済みます)、表面に片栗粉を薄くたたい ておく。
Make appropriate-sized balls or nuggets. (I recommend to shape like nuggets for saving the oil amount.) Then lightly coat each nugget with starch.
3・ フライパンに1~2cmの油を入れて、低~中温でひっくり返しながら揚げて出来上がり。(醤油で焦げやすいので気をつけて)
Heat at 1 or 2 cm depth of oil in a frying pan and cook turning them to brown all sides in low or mid-temperature oil. (the soy sauce burns easily so be careful not to cook at high heat)
Simple and lazy cooking as usual but... taste is....am I a genius?!!
Second recipe is Soy mayonnaise
I rearranged a recipe I got from a soy farmer.
材料 Ingredients
・煮た大豆 Boiled soy beans 1/2cup
・サラダ油 Salad oil 250cc
・酢 Vinegar 150cc
・ハチミツまたはキビ糖 Honey or brown sugar 大さじ2 tbsp
・塩 Salt 大さじ1/2 tbsp
・マスタード (私は粒を使用) Mustard 大さじ1 tbsp
1・ミキサーで十~分ミキシングして出来上がり。Mix weeeeeell in a mixer. That's it!
Dip with vegetable sticks or it is good with soy nuggets. Yummy and healthy!!
You can adjust the amount of vinegar and make your own taste!! Our favorite is to put a little bit more. 残った大豆は潰しておいて、冷凍保存。 あとでスープにも使えそう。
I keep mushed soy beans in the freezer. It is useful for other recipes, too. (soup, etc...)
Thank you soy!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I got a delightful report yesterday.
There are blue columbine flowers (from the Rocky Mountains) blooming at my friend Shinosuke and his wife Yukki's house in Motegi. They sent me pictures of them.
The flower is beautiful fresh blue, embrace bravely blooming.2009年の私達のウェディングの際、ゲストに贈るプレセントをいろいろ考えました。
On our wedding reception 2009, we had many ideas for presents for guests. So one of them was to present columbine flower seeds which we order and got from US, because the flower is the state flower of Colorado where my husband is from.
The seeds had come up and made little blue breezes in my friends garden in Motegi town this year.
I'm so glad to hear.
Thank you for growing them.
Thank you for giving them life.
Thank you for telling me about it.
FFF2日目、なんと無料でフラメンコライブがありました。 悠日でフラメンコのレッスンを再開したので、その紹介も兼ねて・・かなりのお得感いっぱいのライブ、感動で目に涙をためる方の姿もあり、観客の盛り上がりは見ていて嬉しかったナ。
On 2nd day of FFF(Fine Field Festival), we had a live flamenco show, and this was so special because people could see for free for introducing the class in Yujitsu. I was glad to see that some audience members were moved to tears and they were so excited.
東京のフラメンコダンサー、テラさんを始め、披露してくれた一人には栃木教室のさぎりさん。 母のフラメンコ友達です。(母の趣味の一つにフラメンコがあります。)
Flamenco dancer Tera and another lady from Tokyo and my friend Sagiri and other lady from Tochigi. Sagiri is my mum's flamenco friends. (One of my mum's hobbies is flamenco dance)実は2009年の私のウェディングパーティー。母へのサプライズプレ
ゼントで、内緒でさぎりさん達にフラメンコを教わり、猛特訓。。 こちらはウェディングの時の写真。当日に、母と皆の前で披露し、母と一緒に踊りました。母が驚いたのか、喜んで泣きながら一緒に踊ってくれたのが印象的でした。
Actually, on my wedding reception in 2009, I showed my flamenco dance in front of my mum and guests and danced with her, too. This is the picture. This was my surprise present for mum so I asked to Sagiri to teach flamenco and we did special training. Mum was so surprised and we danced together and she was crying, that was an impressive time.
Now? I've forgotten all, haha! Yes I only remember that I was enjoying.華やかで、情熱的、そして奥深い感情をめいっぱい手先と足先で表現していくフラメンコ。
The flamenco dance depictions re full of glamorous, passionate, and deep emotion with arms and feet. It was wonderful.
Sagiri has flamenco class with the teacher Tera from Tokyo every month at Yuiitsu.
Finally, we had the first and busiest day of FFF (Fine Field Festival) today!!私はというと、実行委員を装い、悠日スタッフを装い、仕事するふりをして・・・・・
So me?? what was I doing ?? I was pretending to do work or to be staff for the festival.....but
See around the art markets.
Have my portrait drawn ( 1000yen including a frame)
Or, learned how to make an herb drink
Find fancy Japanese goods.
Had deep-fried carrots by a popular restaurant An-Riz-L'eau
Yakitori open air stall
極めつけは・・・ And!!
ハンドケア&ネイル。Hand care & nail polish
イベント特別価格でなんと2000円!They have special price for the event.
kyroom_nail さん→http://ameblo.jp/kyrooom/day-20110504.html
●ケア&カラーリングCare & coloring・・・・1500円
●ケア&マッサージCare & massage ・・・・1500円
●ケア&カラーリング&アート(2本)Care. colorring & art ・・・・2000円
●キッズ向けケア Care for kids 500円
こんなカワイイネイルにしてもらっちゃいました☆ ウフッ
I got cute nail color!!
FFF明日5日が最終日!→悠日!ルンルン 自分も楽しんでます☆ラベル: Art
最近、お餅にハマっている旦那様。 以前から餅は大好きですが、最近は、おやつとしても重宝しているようです。
Reentry, my husband is hooked on eating mochi(rice-cake) recently. He has been a fan of mochi also because it is ideal for snacking especially these days.
The other day, when I came back to the house from work, he asked me 'Do you want to have mochi if I bake some?♪’
I said 'Yes!!! Please!! You are so nice to me always!'
After a little while, he put the dish on the table......
ラベル: vegetarian cooking