笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
So, the other day I could finally do the preparation for miso paste for this year even though I got a late start. Actually, miso usually is prepared in cold season for January or February, but there were poor harvest for soybeans this year where the farmer we usually order from also was affected by the earthquake so I missed the chance to do it.
But! Still it is OK to prepare miso that people call 'hanami-jikomi' meaning 'miso prepared during the flower season'. (Let that be my excuse! haha)
I used soy beans, green-soy beans, black-soy beans as usual and brown rice malt and this time tried to use barley malt for the first time. I don't know if it is OK to mix barley? I just wanted to try.
やっぱり豆を潰していくのは「すり鉢」が一番潰しやすい。 ただ・・・1.5kgの大豆を茹でた量はこれが限界量かな。。手仕事なので。。
I thought the mortar and pestle is the best for mashing beans. But I think boiled 1.5kg of soy is maximum when mushing by hand, because it is hard work.
これをいつものように塩きりした麹と、豆の湯で汁と混ぜ、瓶に空気を押し出しながらつめていく作業をくりかえしていきます。この辺の工程になると、旦那さまに「上手だね~~」「ちゃんと詰めてるね~」などと声をかけておくだけ。一生懸命に詰めてくれます(笑) もう3回目なので、だんだん慣れてコツを覚えていきます。はい、2011味噌、準備完了。 あとは透明瓶で変化を楽しみながら、美味しい味噌汁になってくれるまで待ちます。
Mix well with the salt and rice malt, barley malt then repeat the work to fit in to the bottle while pushing air out. For this work, my job is telling to husband, 'You doing so well!' or 'Good job!'. Then he is working hard. We have three times experience now so we are starting to get the hang of it.
This is miso paste prepared in 2011. So now we just wait for it to become tasty miso paste while checking the changes through the clear jar.これは2010年と2009年に仕込んだ味噌。 だいぶ色も変わるものですね。
We made these in 2010 and 2009. Colors are quite different.
What is the best for miso soup next year....
ラベル: vegetarian cooking