笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
やっと造りました。 今年のお味噌!
We finally prepared this year's miso (soy paste)!!
The miso we made last year was better than we expected so we used the same ingredients: brown rice molt as rice malt, salt, and white, green, and black soy beans.
We had to replace last year's miso from the large jar. The scene of my daring picking out miso from the bottom of the jar and licking his fingers was like "Winnie the Pooh eating honey!!" It's 'Miso Pooh!' Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture...
First, soak the beans for 1 night and steam for awhile.
Then mash. We used a potato masher and a mortar and pestle because the black beans have hard skins so the mortar can break the skins well.
This work takes time so.......
~途中~ 「なんか飲もうか?・・」
"Shall we have something to drink?"
"Yah! That is good idea. Oh we haven't tried the lemon liquour we prepared earlier, how about that?"
おっ!いい感じに香りも付いてる ついてるゥゥルルルンルン
"Wow, that sweet perfume comes from it!"
おっ~~~美味しい! ほんのりした甘さと柑橘のさわやかな味&香り。
"Goooood!! It is delicious! Soft sweetness and a fresh lemon smell!"
いいねェ・・ いいよぉ~ 春はこれでパーティーできちゃうね。フルーティーで飲みやすい。
「コリャ キケンだ、 キケンだ・・」が合言葉で豆をすりつぶしていました。
"It is good, I like it, we can have a spring party with this, isn't that a good idea??" "Be careful, don't drink too much! Be careful... " Our key word is 'be careful" while mashring beans.では味噌作りに戻りまして・・
OK, let's go back to making miso, then.
Mix well with the salt and rice malt, then make some round balls and throw them into the jar.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking