

Japan had summer holiday week these days, it is called 'obon'.
Did you make summer memories this year?
I could make one today, even though from work. 

実は来月9月1日から個展をお願いしており、出品作品を窯焚きしているところでした。 窯焚きは12日からスタートし、18日に終了。終盤の佳境に入るのは、今日と明日。 ずっと燃やし続けています。 
Today, I visited a pottery artist Makoto Hashimoto's work house in Nikko-city.
Actually, it is because he is going to do his exhibition at my gallery HANNA from September 1st, and they are firing the works for the exhibition. Firing has started from September 12th until 18th. Height of firing for finishing will be today and tomorrow.

His work is Iga-yaki, Shigaraki and Myoujin. Myoujin is his original style of pottery with blue and violet colors from discoloration of ceramic ware using his original designed wood-fired kiln even though now there are  many people who use gas or electric-fired kilns. 

今回、窯焚きを見せていただいて、とても感動しました。実は最初、薪窯なので薪をどんどん燃やしていくだけだと思っていました。それは違っていました。煙 突からで出る炎と煙から目が離せません、そして温度計の数値を確認しながら、秒間隔で薪を窯の窓から入れていくのです。 
 I was so impressed to see the firing this time. At first, I thought that they just making fire to add sticks. But it is different. Because they keep eyes on the fire and smoke from the chimney, also checking temperature then, continuing to put sticks at intervals of a few seconds into the windows. 

They don't miss even small difference of temperatures. That makes deep beautiful color from discoloration of ceramic ware with high and low temperatures also redacting inside of oxygen. It takes several days and use over 30 tons of wood sticks.     

薪を入れる瞬間、窓から中を覗きこむと、ものすごい熱気を感じながら、作品を毛布のように包む炎、流動する波のような動きをする炎、吸いこまれそうな赤と橙の色を観ることができました。 なんともいえない感動。 炎が器に命を吹き込んでいました。 
The moment when I put sticks through the window, I could feel tremendous fire heat, also saw fire was coating works like a blanket, movement of fire like waves and red and amber color which I feel absorbed into that. It is hard to say that impression. The fire breathes new life into works. 

私も微力ながら少しだけお手伝いさせてもらいました。お邪魔している間、橋本先生がいろいろなお話をしてくれました。 絵を描いていた時代の頃、ご自身に 影響を与えてくれた方の話、焼きものの話・・・。 ひとつひとつ、深く、愉しい話でした。 もっと沢山のお話を聞きたいと思いました。 
 I helped them for a short time. Mr Hashimoto told many stories while I was visiting them.  About when he was a painter, a person who he got influenced, also about pottery art...
 Each story was very deep and pleasant. I wanted to listen more. Also I could understand why I like the atmosphere from his work.  


 I had 2 interviews from a newspaper and magazine last week.
I was very blessed to have. it.   

ただ・・・ やはり思うところは正直色々あります。
But,  it makes me have various feelings...

私が何か大成した訳でも、まだ社会に貢献できた訳でもありません。 これは大部分は”家”のおかげ。
That is not to say I did something great or could do some social action work, these were mostly because the house (gallery) is a great place. 

でも、この有難い掲載は、無駄にはせず、役立ててゆこうと思います。少しでも作家さんの宣伝につながれば・・・。そしていつか社会貢献に役立てられることに繋がれば 「よし!私、やったぞ」と心からうなづけるように。
So I shouldn't misunderstand of my self.
On the other hand, the chance is pleasurable so I can't waste it and try to make use of them for advertising for artists? Also would be nice if it can be a contribution to society some day. Then I could feel deeply from my heart that 'Yes!!! I did!'.
I would not be here without people around me and their support.  
That is what I am thinking tonight while reading the article in the newspaper about me. 

Yeah, it is you, reading this blog. Thank you for you.


Last month, I found a neat place in Nikko so I'll post for today.
Our friends from Saitama prefecture and Tokyo were visiting us and stayed in our place. 

どこに連れて行こうか・・・と悩んだものの、気を利かせてくれた友人が既に行く場所をピックアップしておいてくれました。日光の滝尾神社。東照宮から裏手に回って、歩くこと約30分。人も少なく、清らかな空気が漂います。パワースポットとしても知られているそうです。 数人で行きましたが、私は黙々と一人で歩いて行きます。。
週末からは仕事で企画展を控えていたので、 深く深呼吸して、パワーチャージが出来た感じです。ここは、言葉で表現するよりも、空気を感じて欲しいところです。不思議な場所でした。携帯からの写真ですが、深い緑が印象的なので数点UP☆
I was concerned about where I should take them around, but my friend had the good sense to pick somewhere to go. It is Takio shrine in Nikko. Walk on foot for about 30min from behind Toshogu shrine. Quiet, clean air around. There is known as a power spot. I was walking silently forward by myself even though we went with several friends.
 I got power charged by deep breaths since I had the next exhibition after the weekend.
I took some pictures by my phone camera but I'll post some since it has nice green colored.  

何ができるか~~! そして、この時痛感しました。。「昔はもっと器用だったのにな・・・」 
Also the night before, my friend prepared an event for ladies... A big bunch of lavender taken from Hokkaido (North). uuuuuummmmmm. I was keenly aware of how 'I used to have nimble fingers but now,,,,'  

出来上がったのはラベンダースティック!! フレッシュなラベンダーが採れる、今の季節限定で作れる小物だそうです。 

友達同士のお泊まり会に、こんな素敵なイベント考えてくれる友人。。さすがだわ!! 飲むだけがいいんじゃない!!(笑) 
 We made lavender sticks!!! It can only be made with fresh lavender so it is for this season.
I was impressed that my friend could prepare such nice event for our friends' party. Not just a drinking party!!











  My parents house's family cat Ryunosuke has ascended to heaven.
 He was living with my parents and family for 15 years.
They were concerned about Ryunosuke's low energy recently and then he didn't come back for 4 days and my family was looking for him.

When the family was about to give up, my parents heard his one or two times cry from outside at middle of the night. At first, they thought that could be they were mistaken but went out and looked for Ryunosuke around the house. Then, they found him in the neighborhood. He was still alive. They brought him back to the house. 15min later, Ryunosuke passed away.in arms of my parents. It must be a his last voice with his dying breath.

I went back to parents house to say good-bye to Ryunosuke.
He was always there, by the window and watching me when I get off the car at the house.
He was always there, on the railing of the loft in the living room and looking down us.
He was always there, outside of the window-door and call to somebody to open the window for him.
He was always there, and purring while comfortably dozing.
He was there, when I had a stomachache and was crying on the bed, and he was turn and walking round front of my room and crying with worry about me.
He was there by the window, and stammering something at flying birds.
He was there, on my dad's thighs when he was spoiled.

I felt that he is still somewhere in the house.
We were dissolved in tears.

The other side, when we think about him, we want to say to Ryunosuke.
"Thank you  so much Ryunosue."
"Thank you to come back to the house at last. You are great"

He is in our hearts all the time.  

                                                 A lot of love.... Asuco




