
いよいよゴールデンウィークですね。 私はというと、島田恭子さんの個展が終了して息つく暇もなく、GWイベントの準備です。
宇都宮のGWイベント  ファインフィールドフェスティバル。 ことしで4回目。
Japan is going to have Golden Week!! (GW: Large consecutive holiday around the end of April to the beginning of May). Now I still am having busy days for preparation for this GW event even though I just finished Kyoko Shimada's exhibition. I don't have time to breathe....anyway.
GW big event in Utsunomiya Fine Field Festival 2011. This year will be the 4th year.
This is a big joint event with Utsunomiya Cultural Hall, Studio Be-Off and Yujitsu around South Utsunomiya Station.

Utsunomiya Cultural Hall: Variety of kids' events for viewing, dance, Japanese drums, kids' yoriseki and a poster-making workshop.

Be-Off yoga workshop

フラメンコライブに、夜18:00~日光在住 アーティストAKIRAライブ。
Yujitsu Gallery and Cafe: 4th, 5th Outside food markets by popular cafe or cake shop in Utsunomiya. Fancy handmade crafts, pictures and accessory shops by artists.
Art exhibition by artists.
Live Flamenco. Live music from 18:00~ by AKIRA

A heaping helping of events!!! You can walk around each area (Utsunomiya Cultural Hall, Be-Off, Yujitsu) within 5 min.

More information ↓↓

文化会館公式HP ファイフィールド

Utsunomiya Cultural Hall HP Fine Field Festival 2011

 → http://www.bunkakaikan.com/jigyo/fff.html

beoff 公募パフォーマンス ヨガワークショップ Be-Off: dance performance and yoga workshop
→ http://www.beoff.org/2011/03/2011.html

悠日 マーケット Yujitsu art markets → http://www.yujitsu.com/jp/

GWに行くところ決まっていない人! 是非遊びに来てくださいね。 
Don't stay at home for GW!! Let's have fun together♪  We are waiting for you.

2011 May, 4-5th 10:00~18:00 Fine Field Festival
場所: 南宇都宮駅(東武線)周辺 明保野公園・宇都宮文化会館・ギャラリー悠日  
Location: around South Utsunomiya station area (Tobu line)
Utsunomiya Cultural Hall, Gallery Yujitsu


So, the other day I could finally do the preparation for miso paste for this year even though I got a late start. Actually, miso usually is prepared in cold season for January or February, but there were poor harvest for soybeans this year where the farmer we usually order from also was affected by the earthquake so I missed the chance to do it.
But! Still it is OK to prepare miso that people call 'hanami-jikomi' meaning 'miso prepared during the flower season'. (Let that be my excuse! haha)

I used soy beans, green-soy beans, black-soy beans as usual and brown rice malt and this time tried to use barley malt for the first time. I don't know if it is OK to mix barley? I just wanted to try.

やっぱり豆を潰していくのは「すり鉢」が一番潰しやすい。 ただ・・・1.5kgの大豆を茹でた量はこれが限界量かな。。手仕事なので。。
I thought the mortar and pestle is the best for mashing beans. But I think boiled 1.5kg of soy is maximum when mushing by hand, because it is hard work.

これをいつものように塩きりした麹と、豆の湯で汁と混ぜ、瓶に空気を押し出しながらつめていく作業をくりかえしていきます。この辺の工程になると、旦那さまに「上手だね~~」「ちゃんと詰めてるね~」などと声をかけておくだけ。一生懸命に詰めてくれます(笑) もう3回目なので、だんだん慣れてコツを覚えていきます。
はい、2011味噌、準備完了。 あとは透明瓶で変化を楽しみながら、美味しい味噌汁になってくれるまで待ちます。
Mix well with the salt and rice malt, barley malt then repeat the work to fit in to the bottle while pushing air out. For this work, my job is telling to husband, 'You doing so well!' or 'Good job!'. Then he is working hard. We have three times experience now so we are starting to get the hang of it.
This is miso paste prepared in 2011. So now we just wait for it to become tasty miso paste while checking the changes through the clear jar.

これは2010年と2009年に仕込んだ味噌。 だいぶ色も変わるものですね。 
We made these in 2010 and 2009. Colors are quite different.

What is the best for miso soup next year....



Before I knew it......Sakura (Japanese cherry trees) are changing their dress to green these days...

I missed the season for having hanami parties under the trees this year...

It was so busy recently and the time goes by so quick.

But I am Japanese so I love sakura flowers.

I feel warm and feel like beautiful sakura by seeing neat photos taken by one of my friends. They are gorgeous. Thank you!! →link his blog
I am going to make this year's miso with the joy of these beautiful flowers.

宇都宮 二荒山神社前バンバ広場にて 18:00~21:00 
Thursday night fever is coming tomorrow night.
Some cafes, a bakery, and more shops will be there. From 18:00-21:00 at Banba hiroba, in front of Futaarasan shrine in central Utsunomiya.

Now, I have to start preparation. Wonder if there are still some cherry blossom flowers blooming? Then people can have a party under the tree.


Last time, all food was sold out pretty soon so I felt sorry for people visiting us. I should consider the amount this time... but, it is difficult to think....
The strawbeery liquor is good, too!!! Try it!!


Whoooooooof!! I got a sigh of relief...
The event last weekend for pottery artist Kyoko Shimada's gallery talk is done and dusted. Actually I couldn't sleep well these days for organizing them. It was a big try for me and the first time, but I could try my best even though I questioned or worried myself because I had cooperation from Kana-san and other co-workers. The day, over 100 customers came even though it was such short notice, so that reminds me how the artist is popular and felt thankful to the customers.
Although I think the customers could enjoy the talk with her swinging and interesting interview by interviewer Kazuko Aoki (Sugo).

What I felt about this event.
For this event we made advertisements or inquests by hosts and cooperated with people. But I could see 100 opinions by 100 people. What is important is that we should never forget the ultimate goal, without being captivated and keep carrying our inclination. I learned a lot this time.

There was also a charity auction at the event, and we got over 250,000yen of donations in 2 hours. I'm deeply grateful for it. I'm going to give it with the heart of the people to Japan Red Cross Society for disaster victims of the earthquake in east Japan. Report of this donation will be on the Yujitsu HP in a few days. →Yujitsu HP

On the left Kyoko Shimada
Right Kazuko Aoki (Sugo)
All photo by Takahashi-san


今日、仕事帰りに寄ったのは、以前の会社でお世話になったNishiさんの激励会でした。来月北京に転勤だそうです。 前職を辞めてから時間も経ちましたが、お世話になった恩もあり、一言お礼を言いたく駆けつけてみました。
After work tonight, I stopped by an encouragement (farewell) party for a friend Nishi-san who I met in my previous job and he was nice to me when I was in there. He is going to transfer to Beijing from next month. It has been a while since I quit the job but I just wanted to say thanks to him so I decided to go to the party tonight.

以前の職場は世界的にも名がある大きな会社です。ビジネスの前線で活躍する環境で、男性社会という感じ。 (私はそこまでの仕事はしていなかったものの:笑)
The environment and atmosphere are very different between the current job and previous job even though I was in the previous up until a few months ago. The previous office is a big world-famous company. I could say that there is almost like a male-dominated society I felt at the front line of the business world. (actually I wasn't a serious staff member: haha)
It was refreshing for me to talk with friends I haven't seen for a while. And it is nice to talk with people who are from different industries or people who have different points of view of the world. It makes me think about looking back recently myself and is refreshing.




Although what re-acknowledge myself and they were talking about to keep work hard for the job is necessary but more important thing is to care for the bond with people and have communication. The best way of boss-subordinate relationship or between co-workers is related to trust in each other and will grow stronger and be able to do good work.

This rule is no different between vast organizations or small.

Well....after I got such nice refreshment, I have to do my best for the event for my job tomorrow....


そこで鹿沼の「ニラ蕎麦」を見つけました。 母は子供の頃、そば打ちが上手だった叔母がよく作ってくれたそうです。
鹿沼市は美味しい蕎麦屋が多いところですが、特産「ニラ」 も有名です。
蕎麦にニラを絡めていただきます。 ニラの香りと歯ごたえが、蕎麦ととてもよく合います。
また食べたい味です。 ちなみにニラ蕎麦は鹿沼のいたる蕎麦屋さんで食べられるようです。 
Today, I had soba (buckwheat noodles) for lunch with my parents since I had the day off. We went to a soba restaurant in Kanuma-city and found nira-soba (Chinese chives on buckwheat noodles) on the menu. My mum says that her aunt used to make it a lot when she was a child. There are many good soba restaurants you can find in Kanuma-city, also nira (Chinese chives) is a local specialty vegetable and famous in Kanuma-city. Put and mix nira on soba-noodles. Nira flavor and firmness goes well with soba. You might be able to find nira-soba in soba restaurants around Kanuma-city. Yes, of course I had a large-size plate... Is that a problem?

ビックリ。たんまげるくらい美味しかった!。 ほど良い甘さの餡に、栃木特産のジューシーで大きな苺。いちご大福は旦那さまも大好きなので大喜び。 沢山あったのに二人でぺロリと頂いてしまいました。その後またあの味が忘れられず、探して買いに行ってきちゃいました。。
Also, the other day I got a nice gift from customers for me! It is Ichigo-daifuku (fresh strawberry-rice cake stuffed with salt-seasoned bean jam) which is sold at a popular cake shop called Matsuya in Mibu-town in this prefecture (Tochigi). It is great!! What a surprising goodness! Nice sweet mushed beans and juicy strawberry (a specialty fruit in Tochigi-prefecture) inside of rice cake. My husband likes this kind of rice cake, too, so he was glad have one. We gobbled them up. I couldn't forget that tasty cake so I found and went to the shop a few days later.
Of course the reason why I felt that it was so tasty is because I had kindness from the customer.

We have many tasty vegetables and fruits in this Tochigi-prefecture!  


宇都宮バンバ市民広場にて、18:00~21:00 ミハシカフェ・伊澤商店・ラパティーナ・オールドビー ンズ・レクル・サンタルチア・悠日カフェ、他が出店です。
Tomorrow night, there is a food stall event "Thursday Night Fever". Mihashi-cafe, Izawa-shoten, La patina, Old beans (coffee), Reclu (bakery), Santa Lucia, and Yujitsu cafe will be there from 18::00-21:00 at Utsunomiya-city Banba Hiroba.

前回好評だった職人いけだサンの作る”クリームチーズババロア オレンジソース”も出ますよ。
もちろんフルーツカレーとベジタリアン タコスも用意。
We got good reviews on 'Cream cheese bavarois with orange sauce' made by Ikeda last time and will prepare tomorrow. It is nice to see a stubborn man like Mr Ikeda making fancy sweets. Of course the fruit curry and vegetarian tacos are waiting for you!

そして、実は私達は他の出店者さんめぐりも楽しみにしちゃったり。ウフフ 何食べよ・・・
Actually, I am looking forward to seeing and eating the other shops food, too. What shall I try tomorrow ??  
Yes, our dinner, my husband will be a customer and enjoy dinner so I can have less housework♪


★Jidai 時代

When I was looking at one of my friends blog....

I found a lyric of "Jidai(time)" song by Miyuki Nakajima from 1988. Yes, I like the song. It is 80's of Japan. This song used to be an ending at my favorite TV program when I was a child, so I remember it well. (Yes, I'm trying to explain that I'm still young even though I like this old song!)

もう二度と笑顔に はなれそうもないけど

い つか話せる日が来るわ
今日の風に吹かれましょ う

まわるまわるよ 時代はまわる
生まれ変わって めぐりあうよ

旅 を続ける人々は
冷 たい雨が降っていても
めぐるめぐるよ 時代はめぐる
生まれ変わって歩き出 すよ

まわるまわるよ 時代はまわる
今 日は倒れた旅人たちも

Also I found English subtitle for this song since I thought I want to introduce this song. which is nice.

Yah, I'm holding sake-cup and singing at the computer screen tonight.
My husband, seems he doesn't mind about such a wife, this is our home.. Good husband!


Ikuzo Fujiwara glass art Exhibition is being held at Chez Keiko. ~April. 11th(Sun) 2011.

Ikuzo Fujiwara is famous for carved ceramics, architectural ceramics, and pottery art. He has studied 'Recycled-glass' art for over fifteen years.
Mr. Fujiwara's Rcycled glass art is recycling and bringing back discarded fluorescent tubes as material to make dishes, light stands, etc.. The gold and rainbow of colors are layered and shining in side of opalescent grass.
He succeeds in linking recycling and art through many subjects for example removing mercury to make a material that is safe for the environment and considers about the environmental impact of using a calefaction process.

正直、今回のシェイ・ケイコでの個展も一瞬「不可能・・」と頭を過りました。・・がここでギャラリーをクローズしてどうなるのでしょう。。 誰のためにもなりません。 そして数日後、混乱する中でも藤原さんやスタッフさん達が僅かな望みとともに、ガレキの中から無傷の作品達を見つけ、仕上げてくれたのです。
He prepared many works for this exhibition but his workhouse at Mashiko-city was damaged by the earthquake so his whole kiln and electric-kiln were destroyed. At first, it crossed our mind that would not possible to do exhibition at Chez-Keiko thist time...But is it really great idea? To close? It f so no-one will be happy. Some days later, during the turbulence and tiny glimmer of hope they found some unscratched works and did finishing. So there are less works than we expected before, but it will be a significant exhibition - revival art glass exhibition of Ikuzo Fujiwara and Recycled glass.

He was introduced with his glass art work on a local TV program.

