
今日、仕事帰りに寄ったのは、以前の会社でお世話になったNishiさんの激励会でした。来月北京に転勤だそうです。 前職を辞めてから時間も経ちましたが、お世話になった恩もあり、一言お礼を言いたく駆けつけてみました。
After work tonight, I stopped by an encouragement (farewell) party for a friend Nishi-san who I met in my previous job and he was nice to me when I was in there. He is going to transfer to Beijing from next month. It has been a while since I quit the job but I just wanted to say thanks to him so I decided to go to the party tonight.

以前の職場は世界的にも名がある大きな会社です。ビジネスの前線で活躍する環境で、男性社会という感じ。 (私はそこまでの仕事はしていなかったものの:笑)
The environment and atmosphere are very different between the current job and previous job even though I was in the previous up until a few months ago. The previous office is a big world-famous company. I could say that there is almost like a male-dominated society I felt at the front line of the business world. (actually I wasn't a serious staff member: haha)
It was refreshing for me to talk with friends I haven't seen for a while. And it is nice to talk with people who are from different industries or people who have different points of view of the world. It makes me think about looking back recently myself and is refreshing.




Although what re-acknowledge myself and they were talking about to keep work hard for the job is necessary but more important thing is to care for the bond with people and have communication. The best way of boss-subordinate relationship or between co-workers is related to trust in each other and will grow stronger and be able to do good work.

This rule is no different between vast organizations or small.

Well....after I got such nice refreshment, I have to do my best for the event for my job tomorrow....


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