笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
そこで鹿沼の「ニラ蕎麦」を見つけました。 母は子供の頃、そば打ちが上手だった叔母がよく作ってくれたそうです。
鹿沼市は美味しい蕎麦屋が多いところですが、特産「ニラ」 も有名です。
蕎麦にニラを絡めていただきます。 ニラの香りと歯ごたえが、蕎麦ととてもよく合います。
また食べたい味です。 ちなみにニラ蕎麦は鹿沼のいたる蕎麦屋さんで食べられるようです。
Today, I had soba (buckwheat noodles) for lunch with my parents since I had the day off. We went to a soba restaurant in Kanuma-city and found nira-soba (Chinese chives on buckwheat noodles) on the menu. My mum says that her aunt used to make it a lot when she was a child. There are many good soba restaurants you can find in Kanuma-city, also nira (Chinese chives) is a local specialty vegetable and famous in Kanuma-city. Put and mix nira on soba-noodles. Nira flavor and firmness goes well with soba. You might be able to find nira-soba in soba restaurants around Kanuma-city. Yes, of course I had a large-size plate... Is that a problem?
ビックリ。たんまげるくらい美味しかった!。 ほど良い甘さの餡に、栃木特産のジューシーで大きな苺。いちご大福は旦那さまも大好きなので大喜び。 沢山あったのに二人でぺロリと頂いてしまいました。その後またあの味が忘れられず、探して買いに行ってきちゃいました。。勿論!!お差し入れを頂いて、その心遣いがとても嬉しかった事も、美味しさの秘訣でした。ありがとうございます。
Also, the other day I got a nice gift from customers for me! It is Ichigo-daifuku (fresh strawberry-rice cake stuffed with salt-seasoned bean jam) which is sold at a popular cake shop called Matsuya in Mibu-town in this prefecture (Tochigi). It is great!! What a surprising goodness! Nice sweet mushed beans and juicy strawberry (a specialty fruit in Tochigi-prefecture) inside of rice cake. My husband likes this kind of rice cake, too, so he was glad have one. We gobbled them up. I couldn't forget that tasty cake so I found and went to the shop a few days later.
Of course the reason why I felt that it was so tasty is because I had kindness from the customer.
We have many tasty vegetables and fruits in this Tochigi-prefecture!