
母のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは、私の大好きな陶芸家、宮田徳夫さんのスタンド展が始まりました。宮田先生の作品をこのブログで紹介するのは2回目ですね。以前の紹介は→コチラ
My mum's gallery Chez Keiko has started the Norio Miyata ceramic lampshade exhibition. This is the second time to introduce Mr.Miyata on this blog. The previous post is →Here

His lampshades are getting popular in the galleries these years. Also at Chez Keiko, where there are so many his works since my mum is pushing him every time meets him. hahaha   

Actually, he caught a cold and fell sick along the way of working. We are very worried about him.  Also, there a terrible tornado hit Mashiko town the other day and he was in the studio at that time. He got serious damage in the living space, fortunately he was safe. So how were the pieces of work?.... They are amazing!

My friend Anna who studies ceramic art came, too. She also likes Mr, Miyata's works.
 And what's more, he is quiet, shy, has kind eyes...it can become my love letter...I should stop..

 Anyway, this time, I introduce some pictures which Anna took. They can show how much I like his works!! The exhibition will be held until 3rd of June, 2013.



I spent time for my body care by going to a Jirikki seitai (Meridian exercise, which will help loosen the meridians in the body to allow healing energy to flow) this morning after a long interval. Since I haven't gone to yoga class much after I started my own shop.
I've been noticing that my body has changed but I just let the whole thing pass. It can be a quick-acting remedy for preparing to do yoga smoothly by relieving body with Jirikki seitai. 

カタ~~クなってしまった身体に、「気」を入れていきます。最初は「イタタタ」と言いながらでも、呼吸をする度に気持ちと筋肉、関節が解放されていきます。 私の身体の以前との変化に、久しぶりにレッスンしてもらう先生方も驚くみたい(笑) 自分でも気づいていたけど。。 それだけここ数カ月、仕事に集中して頑張ってたんだな。。と思うことにしました。(はい、ヨガ怠けていたのも事実ですが)
Flow the prana into the body which has been tight!!!! First of  all I said 'aaaaaaakkkkkk!!' but could feel that released muscles and joints by each breath. Some teachers who know me from before are surprised how much my body has changed. uuuhhh. Yes I knew it myself, too... It is shocking to me. But! I think this is how much I was concentrating and gave my effort to my work. (yes, maybe was a little bit lazy to practice yoga...)  So now start slowly and take time for my body to be back the way it was before.

車はタイヤが硬く、真っ直ぐ付いているだけでは、直進で走れないんですよね。多少の’あそび’があるから、真っ直ぐ進むんです。 だから、身体も、硬くこわばった身体よりも、ほぐして’あそび’がある方がバランスもとりやすいんです。 
The class by Mrs Katayama's words.
Tires for cars don't go in a straight line if they are stiff and just fixed straight. They go straight  because there is some play. So, it is better to stretch and have some play on your body for easy balancing.    
I was listening the words during stretching. And thought that it could be said for peoples' minds, too...
It will be good to have play as relaxing makes you straight in direction of thinking more than stiff and narrow range of thought.     

朝、テーブルの上にあった、旦那さまが洗って置いておいてくれたアメリカン・チェリー。陶器のブルーの高台カップとチェリーの赤のコントラストが綺麗でした。これを見てニッコリする私。 この器を選んで上手に使ってくれてありがとう☆
In the morning, there are American cherry in a blue cup on the table which my husband washed and left for me. It was cute colors contrast with cherry red and blue. It make me smile when I saw. Thanks for choosing this cup and using it nicely.


Karaage sandwich

It's shown up again in this blog, "Daizu (soy) meat". This time I got from friend Maho-chan. 

大豆ミートについて前回のブログ previous post about soy meat →Here

The other day, I woke up earlier than usual and made lunch for us and friends who are helping my job in the gallery.  

 Soak soy meats in hot water then rinse them. Put seasoning together with minced ginger, sake, and soy sauce.  Cover with starch flower and deep fry. Sandwiches with fresh tomato and lettuce. 

Yes, Karaage sandwich!

Yummy, easy vegetarian karaage (deep fried) soybean sandwich ☆

For someone

I was on the local TV show as I informed last time. 

慣れていないことなので、とても緊張しました。 終わってからも、見ていてくれた友人や知人、お客様から沢山のメッセージを頂きました。 励みになりました、ありがとうございます。
I was really nervous since I'm not used to such a thing. After that, I got many messages from friends, customers, and people who I know.  It was a great encouragement for me. Thank you so much.

父が母に、”あいつ、テレビなんか出たら、いい気になって鼻がふくらんじゃうじゃないか?” と言っていたそうです(笑) まったく・・。 これで店が大繁盛でもして大金持ちにでもなればいい気になりますよ。たぶんね、そうなりたいけど。。(笑)いい気になれるよう、こつこつと頑張ろうと思います。
I heard that my dad said to mom that, "She would get all smug and be full of herself since getting on TV show". haha. Whatever he says, I could be a pleased with myself if I would be rich by success with my gallery! Some day...I will do my best toiling  to make a living for myself.fuuumm.

でも今回の体験はとても勉強になりました。 あれだけの緊張症。自分の結婚式の時なんか、入場直前に具合が悪くなるほどの私。。 
”自分のため”ではなく、”人のため” と思うようにしてみました。


But this time is good experience for me to learn myself. I'm easily strained. For example, when it was our wedding party, I got sick when starting to walking into the party hall.
But, this time, I changed how I thought. I was thinking about "I do for someone else instead of for me."

Sometimes my mother says, "If you think and do for just yourself, things would be tough, but if you think and do for someone around you, you can do your best and things go well"

So,  I thought that way of my thinking to do for artists who I have exhibition from outside of this prefecture and there is not so much fun in this prefecture yet, so I wanted to introduce them on local TV. That thought made me step forward.  

当日は生放送でしたので、慣れない所に行く私と一緒にだんな様、心配してついて来てくれた叔母、叔父も本番中、スタジオの中に居てくれました。 でも、どぎまぎしている私を前に、カメラの向こう側では、叔父が 居眠りしていました。。。おかげで笑えました。良い経験に感謝。
On that day it was live TV. My husband came with me and my uncle and aunt, too, because they were concerned for me. They were in the studio while on the air. But, my uncle fell asleep on the other side of camera in front of me while I got stage fright. It made me smile.


★Tochigi TV

明日5月3日(木) 21:10~頃から 地元のとちぎテレビに出演です。

ご存じの方もいるとは思いますが、わたくし緊張症。顔がひきつります(笑) (そう見えないと言われ続けてイマスガ)
I'll be on Tochigi TV (local tv program) tomorrow night. 
Some friends may know already that I'm easily strained when talking in front of a camera. So I'll take on a strained look while on the air. But that also brings out feelings that make me try hard for HANNA! I Hope I can get across the message that I want to...

Please watch If you have time! ! 
とちぎテレビ トチギストのコーナー 
2012年 5月3日(木) pm21:10頃~  
Tochigi TV  -Tochigist- 


人も店の出店もた~~~くさん! 人との出会い、器との出会いあり、毎年楽しみなんです。
私は、器以外の小物を見つけるのも楽しんでいます。 今年は収納用の籠も良いモノを見つけました。あとは知っている作家さんのブースをご挨拶まわりにまわったり。 
 Yesterday for my day off, I went to Mashiko Pottery Fair. There was so many people and stalls around the town. Meet beautiful people and pottery. So I enjoy with them every year.
Also, you can enjoy finding good discount prices since sometimes artists who usually exhibit department store or art galleries sell B-grade works during the festival.
Actually I enjoy to find general merchandise, too, other than pottery. This year, I found a nice basket box for storage. And I visited some friend artists' booths to see them.

It was nice at lunch in an outside stall cafe. They use pottery instead of using paper dishes. It is soothing to see the neat color of pottery dishes under the sunshine and of course it's eco-friendly.  I spent all day enjoying the festival!

そうそう、ここしばらく気に入って使っているこのバッグ。よく聞かれます。 宣伝のためにも・・・と思い持ち歩いてはいますが、出先での反響にも驚いています。 
個性的で民族系なのに、品がある。 それは使用しているパーツの良さと、丁寧な作りのおかげですね。普段着は勿論、着物にも合うのでファン層が幅広い作家さんです。 
This is a bag which I have been using these months. Sometimes I'm asked where I got it. I use this bag for advertising but also surprised at how much I hear the responses where I go. This is made by an artist  Hiromi Takahashi from Yamanashi-prefecture having exhibition at HANNA (my gallery). Her work has distinct and folkish designs but still have class. I think because her work uses good quality of parts and careful work. She has a broad range of fans since her bags are suitable for both casual and kimono style.
My bag is made with old cloth made by Miao people in Thai-land and decorated with metal work from old Japanese furniture. I will always treasure this. 
