
人も店の出店もた~~~くさん! 人との出会い、器との出会いあり、毎年楽しみなんです。
私は、器以外の小物を見つけるのも楽しんでいます。 今年は収納用の籠も良いモノを見つけました。あとは知っている作家さんのブースをご挨拶まわりにまわったり。 
 Yesterday for my day off, I went to Mashiko Pottery Fair. There was so many people and stalls around the town. Meet beautiful people and pottery. So I enjoy with them every year.
Also, you can enjoy finding good discount prices since sometimes artists who usually exhibit department store or art galleries sell B-grade works during the festival.
Actually I enjoy to find general merchandise, too, other than pottery. This year, I found a nice basket box for storage. And I visited some friend artists' booths to see them.

It was nice at lunch in an outside stall cafe. They use pottery instead of using paper dishes. It is soothing to see the neat color of pottery dishes under the sunshine and of course it's eco-friendly.  I spent all day enjoying the festival!

そうそう、ここしばらく気に入って使っているこのバッグ。よく聞かれます。 宣伝のためにも・・・と思い持ち歩いてはいますが、出先での反響にも驚いています。 
個性的で民族系なのに、品がある。 それは使用しているパーツの良さと、丁寧な作りのおかげですね。普段着は勿論、着物にも合うのでファン層が幅広い作家さんです。 
This is a bag which I have been using these months. Sometimes I'm asked where I got it. I use this bag for advertising but also surprised at how much I hear the responses where I go. This is made by an artist  Hiromi Takahashi from Yamanashi-prefecture having exhibition at HANNA (my gallery). Her work has distinct and folkish designs but still have class. I think because her work uses good quality of parts and careful work. She has a broad range of fans since her bags are suitable for both casual and kimono style.
My bag is made with old cloth made by Miao people in Thai-land and decorated with metal work from old Japanese furniture. I will always treasure this. 


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