笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Ikuzo Fujiwara glass art Exhibition is being held at Chez Keiko. ~April. 11th(Sun) 2011.藤原郁三さんというと、益子の陶芸家として、陶彫、陶板、邪鬼のオブジェなどで有名です。
Ikuzo Fujiwara is famous for carved ceramics, architectural ceramics, and pottery art. He has studied 'Recycled-glass' art for over fifteen years.
Mr. Fujiwara's Rcycled glass art is recycling and bringing back discarded fluorescent tubes as material to make dishes, light stands, etc.. The gold and rainbow of colors are layered and shining in side of opalescent grass.
He succeeds in linking recycling and art through many subjects for example removing mercury to make a material that is safe for the environment and considers about the environmental impact of using a calefaction process.この企画展のために、沢山の作品が準備されました。しかし、あの大地震のため、益子にある藤原さんの陶房も大きな被害を被り、陶芸の穴窯まで倒壊。
正直、今回のシェイ・ケイコでの個展も一瞬「不可能・・」と頭を過りました。・・がここでギャラリーをクローズしてどうなるのでしょう。。 誰のためにもなりません。 そして数日後、混乱する中でも藤原さんやスタッフさん達が僅かな望みとともに、ガレキの中から無傷の作品達を見つけ、仕上げてくれたのです。
He prepared many works for this exhibition but his workhouse at Mashiko-city was damaged by the earthquake so his whole kiln and electric-kiln were destroyed. At first, it crossed our mind that would not possible to do exhibition at Chez-Keiko thist time...But is it really great idea? To close? It f so no-one will be happy. Some days later, during the turbulence and tiny glimmer of hope they found some unscratched works and did finishing. So there are less works than we expected before, but it will be a significant exhibition - revival art glass exhibition of Ikuzo Fujiwara and Recycled glass.
He was introduced with his glass art work on a local TV program.
ラベル: Art, Chez Keiko