笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
皆さんプロですね。 刺激になります。
左側がクシ君、”頭がいいんです”よ~ ウチの彼にいわせると”記憶能力が優れている人”といいますが。とっても物知り。
右はアメリカ人のスティーブさん。 気さくなベテラン通訳者。日本語はもちろん、三重弁も堪能です。陽気でとても感じの良い人。
The other day, I went to a gathering of some friends of my partner's circle who work as interpreters or translators. They are so professional, so I was impressed by them.
And that day was a birthday party for Kushi, who is one of the members.
I think he is a very smart guy, actually my partner says that Kushi has a good memory. He speaks Polish (he come from Poland), Japanese, and English fluently.
To his right is Steve, who is a veteran interpreter. He speaks fluent Mie dialect (part of Japan) as well as standard Japanese and English. They both attended our wedding last year. They are good friends.
さすがに言語力をお仕事にする方達、会話の内容も面白い。言語学から、表現方法にいたるまで、もちろん音楽、世代を超えて国際色豊かな話も。。 刺激になり楽しい時間でした。As may be expected, they use their language skills for their job, and the content of their conversations is interesting. The other day we talked about linguistics, expression, and music. It was a stimulating time for me.
会議通訳などはそれほど関係しないでしょうが、個人に数日間付く通訳もあるでしょう。 そんなときは”機械”対”人”ではなく、”人”対”人”との仕事になりますので、適確な通訳技術のほかにも、お互いが気持ちよく仕事ができるためにも人としてのコミュニケーション能力は必要だと私は思います。
”言葉の発し方1つで、その場の空気が変わる” 気持ちよくコミュニケーションをとろうとすることも人って大切なんだな。
It started up to me as like....
It reminds me of how communication skills are important. I don't have enough yet.
They are good at it. Is it because they work with linguistic communication? Or does it just come from their personality? I suspect that they don't need it when they work at something like a conference, but sometimes they would have a chance to work with individuals for a few days. It is not "machine to human ", it is a "human to human" job. Communication skills are needed for comfort or to work nicely with each other. Aside from correct translation skills, this is also important.
This is not just for interpreters. I think it can be said for other situations, too.
"The way of saying makes a difference and sets the atmosphere."
It is good to try to have a nice conversation. I think that I regard intelligence from a person who cares about that.
Oops! I got off track from the interpreter's gathering, but I was thinking about their interesting conversation.
Happy birthday Kushi!!!