笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
ありがたいです。 個人を尊重してくれています。
Well, I away from home a lot for the events and other things I had to go to or do. I couldn't go back to home straight from the office after work for these days which meant sometimes I couldn't make dinner for my partner....
But he always greets me with a smile at home. This is so nice to me. Respect each other.
”笑顔” だそうです・・・ そんな優しい人です。
He never complains if I couldn't make dinner, or never requests me to do something like "You should do!” One time I asked to him what he wanted from me, and he said "smile". He is so kind.
スンマセーーーンの気持ちもあり、今度の休みは好きなものを作ってあげるから、何食べたい?と聞くと、”ピザ!” だそうです。ということで、作りましたよぉぉ。
I felt sorry for him so I asked him what he wanted to eat for the weekend, and he said "Pizza!"....... so I made it.
Haaaa, How lovely a wife am I.....まずはトマトソース。ウチごはんなので野菜も入れちゃいます。ピザ用にはハーブのオレガノをたっぷり入れるのがコツ。
First of all, prepare the tomato sauce. Our original is I put a lot of vegetables in the sauce. The tips for this tomato sauce for pizza is it is good to put plenty of oregano herbs.
I made herb-pickled tofu instead of using cheese. Drain the water from the tofu and cut, then coat with your favorite herbs and salt and leave in the refrigerator for one night. (Better to check a few times and drain the water as it comes out)
←← 一晩置いたのがこれ。オリーブオイルをまぶしてピザのトッピングに。チーズみたいに、の~びのびしないけど、とっても美味しいの。
←←This is the herb-pickled tofu after leaving for one night and adding some olive oil. It isn't spread well like a cheese but it is very delicious!!!!ピザ生地をこねこね。Asuco式は白い強力粉ではなく、有機無農薬農場べジファームさんより仕入れる全粒粉を使っちゃいます。焼き上がりがしっかりした感触と味にコクがあります。
This is the pizza crust. My original is to use whole grain flour instead of white hard flour. This is adds thickness and well-seasoned bake crust.
This is after leavening →→→
トマト、玉ねぎを沢山敷き詰めて、今回はキノコやガーリックもたっぷり。先ほどの豆腐のハーブ漬けも忘れずに。Spread plenty of tomatoes and onions, then I put a lot of mushrooms and garlic. Don't forget the tofu, too.
My mother had a restaurant before and pizza was one of the main items on the menu there.
Put plenty of oregano herbs in the sauce, spread enough tomatoes and onions, and the method for making crust I got from mum's recipe. Mum's pizza at the restaurant was great. I've never had pizza more delicious than that. My darling came to the restaurant and had pizza every week when he first came to Tochigi.
You can enjoy the crispy fried underside, the soft steamed upper part, and the juicy filling all at the same time. Vegetarian pizza☆
Bon Appetit!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking