笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
「どうやって使うの?・・」の二人の言葉に・・・・・ぎょっとした私。w( ̄▽ ̄;)w!!
「え~~~~っっと」 十の位までの計算を簡単に説明してごまかしました。
Where we had 'soba Japanese noodle" for lunch, I found an interesting thing. Can you guess??
"Old Japanese abacus (counting frame)" that had 5 beads on the lower column. Usually they have 4 beads since 1935 in Japan because of the change of arithmetic education. So this 5 beads abacus can tell you how old it is and that it was well cared for.
They asked me "How do you use?"
Me "uuummmmmmmmm......"
I knew it, since abacus was a compulsory subject in Japan when I was an elementary school kid, but....(´-ω-`;)ゞ
"Ok, this goes to here and,,," I showed them just a few things.その後そろばんの難しい質問が飛んでこないうちに・・前回に紹介した味噌屋さんへLet’s go・・。
So,we moved on to the miso shop which I posted at previous this blog! before they asked me further question about the abacus.....
Then, after enjoyed the carefully-protected and fostered taste of the dengaku in Abuden, we found another interesting thing in the courtyard.
「水琴窟 すいきんくつ」ご存知ですか?
It is a "Suikinkutu"
It is a Japnese garden music device using water flow from a Japanese stone basin.
The water in the inside makes sound like a Japanese harp or bell. It has invented by a gardener during the Edo period.
どれどれ・・・ 地中に刺している竹筒に耳をあてます。 響きます。。琴の鍵盤が水でできているのかと思わせる音色。。
Well, shall we.... put an ear on the bamboo cylinder. It is ringing.... The sound reminds me of a Japanese harp but made of water. It can echo into the body and heart.
We had a comfort to eyes, tongue, ears and mind at the miso shop.