笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
SHINBI SPRING PARTY イベント準備、ラストスパートにとりかかりました。
I tie into put out a last spurt!! For the event preparation for SHINBI SPRING PARTY!!
Practice for the performance, physical preparation (Haha, trying to eat only 1 chocolate a day..), helping teachers give advice for student teams, confirmation of the flow of the party and checking sound and lighting for the hall and our team costumes. ...Oh, yeah, I haven't gotten around to practicing for MC yet.
Last night, after I finished my work, I went to assist for my teacher's seminar, then went to practice together. Moreover, I wake up around 5 o'clock every morning and prepare my lunch box then leave for work. I need more physical strength!
But, these kind of rising tensions or concentrations have the potential for growth in ourselves, so I learned so many things more than usual these days.
Actually, I got the day off tomorrow for the party preparation but it seems like I might have some free time. So I was thinking that I could go to the movies for a while. But my life pattern has been changing these days so I might put it off and keep this tension until the real part of the party. Otherwise I get turned to be alright by my hobby of watching movies.
忙しいとは言いません! 充実している!と思えばいいのです。
I swear not to say, "I am busy". I will say, "I am emotionally up to the mark!!"
One of my teachers said that I should not use the word "busy" because the Japanese word for "busy", if you write in kanji character is ”忙”, which is made up of 2 parts "心= heart ” and ”亡=lose”, so it is showing "lose your heart". I see, I leave my heart somewhere if I keep being pressed for time every day. I need to be more careful about it and I have been keeping that in mind recently.
Oneself rests on one's "Heart".
ラベル: Thinking