笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, we got a lot of strawberries from my friend Masami. Is it a privilege to have this wonderful friend? Otherwise, because I am living in Tochigi prefecture where strawberries are famous? I guess because of the former. Anyway, these are so big! There was the aroma of strawberry around the house for a few days.
Like this big!! Furthermore, so sweet and juicy! We eat half of them directly even though there was so much. (Not just me, my partner also eats a lot!)
This is what my partner's good at making...Smoothies. Yes, just put soy milk and some fruit like strawberries together, but he was making proudly.こんな贅沢よいのでしょうか・・・。
What luxury it is!! I think that even in Japan, fruits are little more expensive than in other countries.
3 days later, I tried to make something. This is strawberry crumble.We really liked that so I will introduce in here.
・耐熱皿にイチゴを並べておきます 。
・Put the strawberries in some bakeware.
・Mix flour (brown flour), almond powder, oil and a little bit of brown sugar in a bowl.
You can put flakes or meusli also.
・Dredge the flour on the strawberries then roast in the oven until it turns golden on top.夏などはアイスクリームを添えてもいいですね。
It might be good with ice cream!
Enjoy this strawberry season!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking