笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
熊野洞工房の熊野 聡さんに会いに仙台に行ってまいりました。
今回、なんとChez Keiko シェイ・ケイコで27日から個展を開かせていただくのです。その打ち合わせです。
I went to Sendai-city (about 3 hours drive from Utsunomiya) to meet Mr. Satoshi Kumano at Kumanodou Gallery. Chez Keiko gallery (my mum's gallery) is going to have his exhibition from the 27th of March. So we had a meeting with him. He makes wooden bags and a music boxes.
Until I met him, I was thinking 'What is a wooden bag?"
It was just imagination without knowledge in my head. Interesting but on the other hand I was wondering what can I expect.
But....It is scary to catch up in one's own prejudice. I had too much baggage with a music box from my childhood.
At first, I couldn't believe what I'm hearing. I got a wonderous feeling that the atmosphere has suddenly changed around me.There is no CD, no piano, also, can that singing be just for me?
I was listening intently and was shocked about my small world of preconceptionsこれがそのショッキングなオルゴール(笑)50弦のオルゴールが2つ入っていて、合計100弦のオルゴール。音域が・・
.This is what I got a shock from. There are 2 of 50-string keyboards inside so 100 strings total in one of the music boxes.
Mr. Kumano ran a family business of traditional Sendai-style cabinet making. So he makes high-quality music boxes using his skill of furniture work. As well as the fineness of music boxes that are really like treasure boxes.
≪動画―音出マス≫ なんでしょ、このウキウキ感。
There are so many kinds of music boxes in the gallery. We can't bring this big one to our gallery so I put a video here.
What is this exhilaration!!
A music box just for me, a gift for marriage or birth of a baby, there are plenty of ways to use this treasure box. They play someone's history.
The other content of our meeting was for wooden bags. It was hard to force myself to choose only my favorite.
My.Kumano dwells on wooden material and structure. No two are ever the same since he cares about wooden patterns. His elaborate technique also makes them lightweight, and warm wood colors are a match with any fashion, casual and formal, or kimonos, too. They are unique.
I noticed that I was posing and standing in front of the mirror before I knew it! Hahaha
He was in a famous magazines before so I knew that he is a popular artist. So it will be a pleasure to have his exhibition at Chez Keiko. We were very glad to meet him.
ラベル: Chez Keiko