
隣にいるのは、FM栃木の看板アナウンサーとして、栃木では知らない人はいないほど、有名なラジオDJ、鹿島田 千帆さんです。実は今年に入ってから鹿島田さんより”美声トレーニング”を受けています。
The lady next to me is Chiho Kashimada. She is a radio DJ for an FM radio station in Tochigi.
I am taking her lesson called "Beautiful voice training". Is Asuko taking lessons for beautiful voice?!?! It may surprise you, the naming of the course is also little bit embarrassing to tell, but it is not for singing.
We study enunciation, proper use of words and tone when you give speeches in front of people (public speaking) etc. I studied this subject when I was training to be a walking teacher assistant, but I am a painfully shy, so I decided to start this training.

☆Why is the speech and voice study so useful for our usual life...?
The famous rules called "The rule of Mehrabian" were proposed by Albelt Merabian, Professor Emeritus of Psychology in the '70s in America. It is used for impression seminars or studies worldwide. He says that when you have an opportunity for human communication (face-to-face), there could be a determined first impression of the speaker. There are 3 elements that can be divided.
1 - Words account for 7%, 'Verbal'
2 - Tone of voice accounts for 38%, 'Vocal'
3 - Body language accounts for 55%, 'Visual'
So if you are a salesman, a customer decides or is influenced by the way you talk or your visual appearance more than your description of the product.

Well, so much for preliminaries. I never thought about my voice before. But once I started to care about how to speak, I can feel that I'm learning many things and can concern about someone talking even in everyday conversation.

Subjects in the class are tempo, pronunciation drills, self-introduction, and communication skills. Ms. Kashimada studies about vocal bands for a scholarship in graduate school, so her teaching and explanations are intelligible and her indication is exact.

例えば、講座の中でよく言われるのは、人前で何かをお話するとき、自己紹介のときでさえも内容の中に”共感&へ~”を入れてみるそうです。(共感+へ~ トレーニング) 相手や周囲が、共感したり、へ~~っと思うことを組み入れる。最初は慣れなくても、だんだん考えるのが楽しくなったりします。
For instance, she taught us that if we have a chance to have public speech or introduce ourselves, it is good to put something about ”empathy” and ”expressing surprise" in your words. (”empathy” and ”expressing surprise" training) . You might be uncomfortable at first, but you can enjoy thinking about ideas when you get used to it.
I got an impression from it, so now I'm trying to put some information that might make you feel ”empathy” or ”expressing surprise" in this blog.

JAF認定 4輪A級ライセンスも持っているそうで、講義の途中にも、ラジオのお仕事のこと、ライセンスのことなどいろいろお話をきくことができて、楽しく学ばせてもらっています。
She is a famous and popular DJ, she is so friendly, and she has a frank personality. That is what I like about her.
Ms. Kashimada has a class A driver license in Japan, so she has experience entering a motor race. She talks to us about her radio station job or about the license during breathing time in the class. so we have fun and interesting chats every time! She cares about her students. This is part of her personality.
I think that you can develop personal appeal from anywhere inside of you. Don' t you think?


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