笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I tried one dish that gives the feeling of spring(or early summer)
Well, I just tried it because we had a lot of left in the refrigerator.
”Leafy greens jelly"
(Jelly is made using Japanese vegetable gelatin= agar)料理本によると、えのきやとろろ昆布もいれるのですが、そこはあくまで冷蔵庫にあるものを使うのがMeの基本。替わりにシイタケと青のりを入れてみましたよ。
It should be used with some kind of mushrooms and a kind of seaweed in the cookbook, but in my way I want use something from what I have in my refrigerator now. so I used shiitake mushrooms and aonori seaweed this time.
1・青菜をさっと塩茹で。Boil green leaves with pinch of salt lightly.
Boil Shiitake with seaweed soup stock then put a little soy-sauce and salt - it actually makes soup. Then put vegetable gelatin and melt it.
Prepare a lightly wet flat pan and put boiled green leaves and sprinkle the aonori.
4・2を流しいれて、荒熱をとって冷蔵庫で固める。Put the gelatin melted soup in the pan and place the jelly in the refrigerator until it sets.
5・すりおろした生姜をのせていただく。。Put ground ginger on top before serving.
もちろんMeが作ったので美味しいですよ(笑) (ノ∀≦*)ノ゛ ホントカ!?(笑)
Of course!!! it is delicious because I made it! Haha, hopefully...
Looks refreshing so it will be good at summer parties as an appetizer. Also it is good to cool the plate and eat it cold. Good harmonics with a refreshing genteel taste.
I might try some other recipes for this! It may be good with soured plums...
If need more detailed recipe, let me know☆
ラベル: vegetarian cooking