笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Today, I went to Satoshi Arai oil paint exhibition at Chez Keiko (my mum's gallery).
There were many costumers even though it is in the country side. We are thankful.
いつも朗らかで、冗談と下ネタ話が好きで(笑)、お洒落でキュートな現在82歳のおじいちゃん先生。 いつも皆に優しい人柄で、感謝の気持ちを忘れない方。 先生の情熱的なところは明るい人柄に反映されているような気がします。
Actually I knew him since when I was an elementary school kid and we are good friends.
He is cheerful, like to tell jokes, always dresses nicely, and is a cute 82 years old guy.
Also he is kind to everyone and never forgets his feelings of gratitude towards those around him.
When I was a high school girl, I was impertinent enough to tell him my opinion about his exhibition at that time. He was listening to me with smiling and complimented me. Looking back now, I'm surprised how I could say such wild things to him.先生の草花の絵の中でも、桜の絵は人気が高く、数年前はNHKでもドキュメンタリーで紹介されています。
He had introduced as a documentary program in a public TV show since his paint work, specially Sakura trees (cherry blossom), are so popular.
The lady next to me (right) is his wife Miyoko. She is also a painter. When I was a high school student girl, I got inspiration from her unique fashion, so I made many skirts, shirts, and bags myself with collected old kimono cloth.大好きな荒井先生夫婦。 昔話に盛り上がりました。いつまでも仲良しご夫婦は憧れです。
I love them a lot. We enjoyed chatting about old days. I want to be a nice loving couple forever like them.
ラベル: Art, Chez Keiko
The ther day, I went to a lunch at one of my favorite Japanese restaurants 'Yasuhirono Hatake' in Utsunomiya.
They always give me a welcoming smile.
Also I enjoy with them since they change the menu every month according to what is available at that time of year.
そして、そんな迎える方が”選んでいる時” も楽しいことを、私も知っています。
What pleased me most was they served with the dish which was made Kyoko Shimada from exhibition at gallery HANNA.
I appreciate the attention of welcome choice for dishes for costumers.
Also I know that people (the host) enjoying the time of choosing for themselves, too.
The works made by passion of artist.
Introduce the works with my passion.
Used by people with passion.
The works of passion is growing.
ラベル: Thinking
One of my preparations for next exhibition for my gallery HANNA is to install a step for the entrance.
At the
I searched about and found in a home center but it wasn't suitable for the entrance for my house, although it could be costly if I order to make one nice.ということで、やはり什器同様、廃材の中から材木を引っ張り出し、知人の作業場を借りて作ることにしました。
As a result, I decided to make one myself like the store fixtures (display shelves) in my gallery. By finding scrap wood and borrowing the work place from one of my relatives.
心強い助っ人です。工具の使い方も勉強になります。 そして、自分で理想に近いものにできる。。
They are so helpful for me. I can learn how to use tools, too. Although I can make that close to what I want to.
How does it look?!! Please visit Gallery HANNA!! haha
So, what shall I make next....
ラベル: hanna
These days, priority is always for my work since I just started my own job.
Always thinking about agenda at hand.
私にとって、新鮮な話題でした。 以前、会社に勤めていたころの私の考え、自分の仕事を持つようになった今の考え。 自分でも、こういう風に話をすると、客観的な意見を言えたりもする。
Last week, I was spending busy days with follow up for the last exhibition of the opening event for my shop. One of my friends visited me from a distance because he had a study meeting of his company in this prefecture. That time, we were talking about the contents of what he had in the meeting. "the shape of management of thinking as the business or leadership. "
It was a fresh talk for me. My thoughts of when I was working at a company, also thinking of my situation now I started my business. I could talk about my opinion with objective eyes since we chatted like this.
”成功の「反対」は失敗ではなく、何も行動しないこと” という言葉に興味を持ちました。
And the other day, I went to a lecture by Haruhiro Kinoshita.
I was interested his words for example 'What is against Success is No action, not failure. '
The lecture was based from Mr. Kinoshita's experience in the teaching field. But the contents can replace to our situation, too.
This time, I could have a nice relief, review myself from various angles, and also I recognise my self that is right! Which I haven't yet been able to put into words.
After all, I felt recently that should look into other fields, not just things at hand.
ラベル: Thinking
先日の夜。 2Fに居た旦那さまから、1Fで仕事をしていた私に携帯電話。
The other night, when I was working on 1st floor of the house, I got cell phone call from my husband at 2nd floor.
ダンナさま 「今、屋根の上に猫がいるよ!!窓から見てみて!!」
Husband: 'Look from the window! there is a cat on our roof!!!'
Me 「確かに物音したね~」
Me : 'Uuum yah, I heard something.'
ダンナさま 「うわっっ!!!違う!!猫じゃない!! なんだあれ!?!」
Husband: ' Waaooo!! It isn't cat!!! what hell is that!! ?'
Me: 「なにかいるのは分かるけど、とりあえず今仕事途中なの・・・」
Me: ' Yeah, seems like something in there...but I'm working right now, sorry'
それから2階で騒ぐ旦那さまの声が家中に。。 写真を撮ったらしく、見てみたら確かに・・・猫じゃない。
Then I could hear something he was carrying on about that and took some pictures.
Actually, it isn't cat. It has a longer tail and pointier nose.
Some people said that could be a 'masked palm civet'. It might be living in the roof of our house.
At first, I thought 'wow...' but I was so busy at that time so I couldn't think that is urgent problem now.旦那様・・もちろんアメリカでは見た時ないし、それから毎晩「ハクビシン・・」と大騒ぎ。 だいぶエキサイトしています。 物音すると、嫌なのか、嬉しがってるのか分かりません。
My husband...He of-course hasn't seen in US so he has been making a fuss since then. Seems like he is excited about it. I wonder that he doesn't like it or is happy (exciting a lot).
Actually, I am not so surprising with it because I have heard that they appear in my friend's garden in Utsunomiya-city, too.
Instead, I was so excited that there were nibbled marks on trees at the side of the river nearby my husband's brother's house in Colorado in US. Those marks were made by beavers. That might be similar feeling with my husband now.
ついついブログが更新できずにいました。 はい、風邪はこじらせずに済みました。
I couldn't update the blog for a while. Catching a cold? No, it wasn't so bad.
ご報告。26日、大変お騒がせいたしました、ギャラリーHANNA~絆和~の初の企画展が無事終了することができました。 無事・・どころか、盛況のお言葉を沢山いただけました。
I'm happy to tell you that finally the opening exhibition of Gallery HANNA was done-and-dusted on 26th. I got many encounters and words of success which could say even though I could make it.
本当に、ほんとうに嬉しかった。有難かった。 終わって、店を閉じた後、涙がこぼれた。
I was deeply pleased. Thankful. After I closed the gallery on the final day, the tears rolled from my eyes.
周囲の人への思いと、心からの報告だった。 「無事、終了できました」
Why was that?...
It was for my self.
Though about people around me and supported. And although thinking about to report to them "I could do successfully thanks to you."
今回、本当に沢山の方が訪れて来てくれた。 忙しい中、合間をみて訪れて来てくれた友人達。新聞やとちぎテレビを見たり、ラジオを聞いた人。
This time, I really got many visitors. Friends who visited me even though I know they are so busy. Also, people came because they saw the newspapers, local TV show and radio.
Moreover, that was heartening me a lot who knew me before.
People know when I am depressed, and crying before. But finally I could open my door of this. because of their encouragement cheer,and smile.
Looking back, I think there were anything no wasted.
What I experienced, and thought are of great use and needed for to glow my self to be a person understand hearts.
Now it will be start to learn from now, too.
It will be tough way.
I will brace myself for it.
But, what is most important is to enjoy my self, that is can make fun and happy around people.
The cherry blossom tree branches which I displayed on the corner of the gallery are in full bloom beautifully at the end even though swelling with buds at beginning of the exhibition.