
★My new work 新作

One of my preparations for next exhibition for my gallery HANNA is to install a step for the entrance.

At the
previous exhibition, I saw some customers, especially old people, who needed help stepping up at the entrance (where people step into the house) of the gallery because of little bit too high even sometimes for young people. So, I thought I should solve the problem.
I searched about and found in a home center but it wasn't suitable for the entrance for my house, although it could be costly if I order to make one nice.

As a result, I decided to make one myself like the store fixtures (display shelves) in my gallery. By finding scrap wood and borrowing the work place from one of my relatives.

心強い助っ人です。工具の使い方も勉強になります。 そして、自分で理想に近いものにできる。。
They are so helpful for me. I can learn how to use tools, too. Although I can make that close to what I want to.


How does it look?!! Please visit Gallery HANNA!! haha 

So, what shall I make next....


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