笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
先日の夜。 2Fに居た旦那さまから、1Fで仕事をしていた私に携帯電話。
The other night, when I was working on 1st floor of the house, I got cell phone call from my husband at 2nd floor.
ダンナさま 「今、屋根の上に猫がいるよ!!窓から見てみて!!」
Husband: 'Look from the window! there is a cat on our roof!!!'
Me 「確かに物音したね~」
Me : 'Uuum yah, I heard something.'
ダンナさま 「うわっっ!!!違う!!猫じゃない!! なんだあれ!?!」
Husband: ' Waaooo!! It isn't cat!!! what hell is that!! ?'
Me: 「なにかいるのは分かるけど、とりあえず今仕事途中なの・・・」
Me: ' Yeah, seems like something in there...but I'm working right now, sorry'
それから2階で騒ぐ旦那さまの声が家中に。。 写真を撮ったらしく、見てみたら確かに・・・猫じゃない。
Then I could hear something he was carrying on about that and took some pictures.
Actually, it isn't cat. It has a longer tail and pointier nose.
Some people said that could be a 'masked palm civet'. It might be living in the roof of our house.
At first, I thought 'wow...' but I was so busy at that time so I couldn't think that is urgent problem now.旦那様・・もちろんアメリカでは見た時ないし、それから毎晩「ハクビシン・・」と大騒ぎ。 だいぶエキサイトしています。 物音すると、嫌なのか、嬉しがってるのか分かりません。
My husband...He of-course hasn't seen in US so he has been making a fuss since then. Seems like he is excited about it. I wonder that he doesn't like it or is happy (exciting a lot).
Actually, I am not so surprising with it because I have heard that they appear in my friend's garden in Utsunomiya-city, too.
Instead, I was so excited that there were nibbled marks on trees at the side of the river nearby my husband's brother's house in Colorado in US. Those marks were made by beavers. That might be similar feeling with my husband now.