Japan had summer holiday week these days, it is called 'obon'.
Did you make summer memories this year?
I could make one today, even though from work.
実は来月9月1日から個展をお願いしており、出品作品を窯焚きしているところでした。 窯焚きは12日からスタートし、18日に終了。終盤の佳境に入るのは、今日と明日。 ずっと燃やし続けています。
Today, I visited a pottery artist Makoto Hashimoto's work house in Nikko-city.
Actually, it is because he is going to do his exhibition at my gallery
HANNA from September 1st, and they are firing the works for the
exhibition. Firing has started from September 12th until 18th. Height of
firing for finishing will be today and tomorrow.

His work is Iga-yaki, Shigaraki and Myoujin. Myoujin is his original
style of pottery with blue and violet colors from discoloration of
ceramic ware using his original designed wood-fired kiln even though now
there are many people who use gas or electric-fired kilns.
I was so impressed to see the firing this time. At first, I thought
that they just making fire to add sticks. But it is different. Because
they keep eyes on the fire and smoke from the chimney, also checking
temperature then, continuing to put sticks at intervals of a few seconds
into the windows.

They don't miss even small difference of temperatures. That makes deep
beautiful color from discoloration of ceramic ware with high and low
temperatures also redacting inside of oxygen. It takes several days and
use over 30 tons of wood sticks.
薪を入れる瞬間、窓から中を覗きこむと、ものすごい熱気を感じながら、作品を毛布のように包む炎、流動する波のような動きをする炎、吸いこまれそうな赤と橙の色を観ることができました。 なんともいえない感動。 炎が器に命を吹き込んでいました。
The moment when I put sticks through the window, I could feel tremendous
fire heat, also saw fire was coating works like a blanket, movement of
fire like waves and red and amber color which I feel absorbed into that.
It is hard to say that impression. The fire breathes new life into
私も微力ながら少しだけお手伝いさせてもらいました。お邪魔している間、橋本先生がいろいろなお話をしてくれました。 絵を描いていた時代の頃、ご自身に
影響を与えてくれた方の話、焼きものの話・・・。 ひとつひとつ、深く、愉しい話でした。 もっと沢山のお話を聞きたいと思いました。
I helped them for a short time. Mr Hashimoto told many stories while I
was visiting them. About when he was a painter, a person who he got
influenced, also about pottery art...
Each story was very deep and pleasant. I wanted to listen more. Also I
could understand why I like the atmosphere from his work.