笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
最近時、野菜を十分にとっているのに、何かが足りない・・ というか、何か食したい・・と感じていました
Since I started to have vegetarian cooking at home(over 6years), I can know what my body wants to eat at certain times.
For exanple, if I want to have a lot of fruit, that reminds me to have vitamins or if I want to have leaves, that means I need iron...etc.
Recently, I was feeling something lacking even though I was having a lot of vegetables.
温かいものを多くとるようになっていました。 なので野菜も加熱したものが多かったのです。
Then I realized that we are having root crops seasonally and it is cold so we have been eating warm dishes often. So there turned out to be a lot of cooked vegetables.
This is reminds me that my body wants to have some kind of "living food".
I don't know about living food yet but it seems diet methods work actively to get enzymes from foods like vegetables, fruits, and raw nuts. It is bit difficult to change your diet completely so just try some of your dishes when you are cooking.
I'm trying to take raw food actively. I got a new recipe for salad.
This time it is carrot dressing.Grind the carrots, add salt, vinegar, and pepper, then put it on cut lettuce.
You can try with ground Japanese radish with soy sauce and sesame oil.
It is good to put nuts or sunflower seeds too.Very colorful!!
今回はにんじんのドレッシング。にんじんを摩り下ろして、塩、酢、胡椒を加えてそのままざく切りレタスの上に。ナッツ類やサンフラワーシードも一緒に。 はい、簡単なの得意です・・・
This is how you can have root crops plain with salad although the grating is a way to activate the enzymes by destroying the cells.
All told on this, I try to cook raw food and warm food together as much as I can.
Oh, yah! If you want to add salad recipes for your recipe corrections,I made this too.
Prepare sliced carrots, then rub with a little salt.
Add chopped kiwi. This is kiwi dressing.
It looks delicious so I forgot to take a picture before finishing. Carrot sweetness, acidulant sweetness of kiwis make a good match.(You might like to use ripe kiwis)
Try it!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking