笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
2・フライパンで両面焼きに(片面→中火で焦げ目をいれて もう片面→弱火で蒸し焼きに)
3・火を止めて オリーブオイル・醤油・レモンをしぼり、塩・胡椒でととのえて はいOK=できあがり.
いいでしょ、いいでしょ、この簡単さ!!ルンルン →ミョウなテンションデスガ
家の中でも、外でも楽しめるレシピでした~The other day I got good onions from my vegetable delivery.
And although I was feeling like doing second-best cooking for that day, (yes, I'm lazy).....
I found a recipe that seems so easy!!! It is 'Fried onion rings'.
And I like it so I will post on this blog.
If you have onions, soy-sauce and lemon, you can try to make it now.
1. Cut onions in rings and attach the onions with a toothpick.
2. Fry on both sides until lightly colored. ( One side- over medium heat, the other side - steamed fry on low heat.)
3. Turn off the heat then sprinkle soy sauce, olive oil, squeezed lemon, finishing salt and pepper and you are done!
How is this?!? Quite easy ! Isn't it??!!
So you can cook these fried onions at a summer barbecue with refreshing lemon, as sometimes I see miserably burned onions in the corner of the barbecue pan.
You can enjoy natural sweetness, melting texture, roasted soy sauce taste and lemony clean after-taste of these fried onion rings.
Enjoy this recipe indoors or out!!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking