笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I have lived in England before. I like interior design and at that time, I took an interior design course at an art school, and visited some interior material shops and manufacturers in order to
get cheaper material fees for doing tasks at the school. I think I was young...
If I found a nice house, I asked to the owner if I can see the inside or take some pictures of the house. Many people are very particular about the interior of their houses in England, so some people would show me the house and talk about the history .
So, I liked seeing the houses since I like to see interiors.
I introduce Mr. Kawamata's house which is one of my favorite houses.
だ~~~~~い好きなスタイルです。 私にとっては「トトロ」にでてくるような家。癒しの家。行くと何時でもいたくて、心地よくて、目に入るものが愛おしくなってしまうような場所。
I love this house. This place makes me feel happy and relaxed. I always feel like staying as long as I can. It seems that I like anything I see here.
先生は益子と鹿沼にも工房兼住宅をもっていて、陶芸家の宮田先生(←ダイスキ!)と共同で利用しています。なのでインテリアもお二人の共同作業です。 アイデア満載!!
He has 2 houses in this prefecture, and his partner is Mr. Miyata, who is also a potter artist. This house has been made by the 2 of them.
I show some pictures here.
Mr.Miyata on the left and Mr. Kawamata on the right.
What is great about this house?
He always says, " Do not spend too much money for it"
If you pay much money, you possibly can have a designer or get something fashionable.
Some people might say ' That is a nice interior '
But I have another opinion. I can tell this place has something warmer...
They use waste materials or make things they need if they do not have even taking time, or find something cheap in the secondhand shop then they decorate so nicely. I tip my hat to their sense.そう、自分スタイルなんです。
2つと同じものはないので人気なんです。Yes they have their own style. I like this kind of place.
This is his work for a traditional festival for boys known as Tango no Sekku.
They made a tea ceremony room last year.
They always welcome with good coffee and sweets when I visit. His talks give me inspiration.
Can you see the white bird?? I want to have it someday !!haha
Their 2 houses have been in some magazines and published before.
I wish I had a house that was this gooood.
ラベル: Friends