笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
「あっ、そういえば今月からのSHINBIウォークのテーマ(レッスンごとに発表するんです)、”自分が落ち込んだり、元気がない時、どうやってモチベーションをあげる方法” だった!」
友達の返信「何かあったようだけど、元気だしなよ ロックンロール♪♪」
あ~~今日やっと笑顔になれた。 そうだ今日笑えてなかった。そうしたら、今日あった出来事が大したことのないように思えて。
そう、なんだかんだ言っても、健康があるじゃん。 家族幸せじゃん。
ありがとう ありがとう ありがとう
I was feeling low, or more like incredulous of my fortune today.
It was started from the morning so I decided to get a day off and expected that would be a valuable day.
In the swift rush of unlucky things...
My brother came for help, but he said to me ' Mmmm, what matter, you're having a kippered day today"
More to say, not depressed, it was like feel down and grumpy.
Then, I realized that the subject of walking class for this month (student has to deliver one each class) is "What do you use to motivate yourself, when you get depressed or lack energy"
Oh, yes, I remember that other students said that they vocalize and talk to themselves, lay dawn and look up at the blue sky or cry then wash their face and feel better.
I was bringing back the past, I got an e-mail from one of my friends.
Of course he doesn't know that I wasn't in a good mood at that time.
But that e-mail made me happy, so I sent him back about how I could chin up by the e-mail even though I was feeling down.
Then he wrote me back again "Something's wrong with you, but get a life! Come on ! Rock'n roll!!
It made me laugh so I felt better. Then I realized that was my first smile today.
Yes, I have not been smiling, this was what I needed.
After that, I could feel that bad things I got today are not as bad as I was feeling.
It could be just a small thing. Family are one thing and another is being healthy.
They are happy. Also I have a lot of good friends. Thank you
How about you ?
What do you use to motivate yourself when you get depressed or lack energy?
ラベル: Thinking
I heard that you got incredible bike.Sound like you guys(Colorado Ben) had great time. Thanks!!