笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On the weekend, I had a BBQ party with co-workers at my parents' house.
だんだん子供達の参加も増え、BBQの内容も、子供達が参加して作れるものに工夫です。 パン生地を作っておけば、ソーセージに巻いたり、バリエーションも楽しめます。We hang out at motorcycle events a lot. This is the 5th time to have this party. The number of kids has increased every year so I try to prepare BBQ cooking in which kids can participate. For example I make dough which they can roll around sausages and there are many variations they can enjoy.
ダンボールに網を挟む切込みと空気口を作って、10分で完成。(これで私の担当料理は完了しました:笑 簡単カンタン)
もちろん、香ばし~~く、美味しくできあがりました。This year, I tried making smoked food (Salmon, cheese, eggs, and fish). And, I made a smoker myself with cardboard. Also I got a grill and s-hook at the 100yen shop, so I just spent a little bit of money to make a smoker! Make a cut in the cardboard for slipping the grill in and an air hatch. It is only takes 10 minutes! That is all I was in charge for when it came to cooking!
Set wood chips inside which is mixed with coarse sugar. Of course it was spicy and delicious!!
やっぱり私、泣いちゃいました。And the party doubles as a send-off party for Mr.Isumi H, who is going to transfer to the Kumamoto (south Japan) office. He is a good friend and he is not fussy despite my sharp tongue. Haha. So we like him a lot.
In the office, many times he tried to explain or teach me about engine structures even if it is too complicated for me. But we went to an island for fishing together, went to cheer for motorcycle enduro race...etc. So many memories.
This time, we presented him a cake which is made by other members (Wasse) and group singing.
Yah, I cried... I knew I would.翌朝は近くの川に。みんな川ガキに変身です。松っちゃんは飛び込みに夢中・・・。
Next morning, we went to the river nearby the house. Everyone becomes a river kid. Matsu-chan was glued to diving into the river...
そしてしめくくりは、オススメの蕎麦屋にご案内。鹿沼市石裂山の神水蕎麦 うえ田さん。趣のある、神社境内の建物です。街中とは格段の温度差。涼風の中でいただく、美味しい水で打った蕎麦は格別です。 是非是非尋ねてみてくださいね。 For the finale, I took them to my favorite 'soba' restaurant nearby. It is called 'Ueda'. There is a pleasant old house near a shrine. The temperature is much cooler than in town. Soba made with delicious clear water in a refreshing breeze tasted wonderful. I recommend that place to you!!
Haaa I passed one of the my annual summer events.
ラベル: Friends, Motorcycle