笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
We are having hot and humid weather these days in Japan.
I worry about reduction in appetite. (Of course it is an unnecessary worry for me) My husband doesn't get use to hot and humid Japanese summers.
This is a good time to have a cold dish.
野菜たっぷりバンバンジーです。 Vegetable Bang Bang Ji (Chinese cooking)先日購入した’乾燥小麦グルテン’ ベジタリアン用のお肉の代用として重宝します。今回はこのパッケージに載っていた調理方法を参考に作ってみました。
The other day, I got a package of wheat gluten. It is useful for replacement with meat for vegetarian cooking. This time I found the recipe from the package.
・キャベツ千切り shredded cabbage
・きゅうり千切り shredded cucumber
・トマト 乱切り coarsely cut tomato
・大葉(冷蔵庫にあったので)macrophyll (if you have)
・おろし生姜 grated ginger
・乾燥小麦グルテン wheat gluten
タレ sauce
・ごまペースト またはタヒニ Sesame paste or Tahini
・酢 Vinegar
・砂糖 Sugar
・醤油 少量 little bit of soy sauce
Cut vegetables then leave them in the refrigerator. Mix the ingredients for sauce in a bowl.
Reconstitute dried wheat gluten, soak in warm water until it softens. Then, wash and squeeze run over 2 or 3 times. Dip in soup stock. Squeeze again. Split off the wheat gluten in to 6 or 7mm. Boil them in hot water with salt and grated ginger. Drain the hot water and cool it down.
Set out vegetable then put wheat gluten, then put sauce. then your are done!
Wheat gluten is more delicious than I expected. Contains no cholesterol!
It will be a useful foodstuff in our house!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking