笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
そこで・・ 彼の好きなものをなるべく使って食欲を戻してもらうように、あの手コノ手。。
Japan has been extremely hot this summer. I've also been bothered by the temperature even though I like summer. My husband grew up in Colorado where they have strong sun but it is dry and cool during summer. It seems like he gets a little bit hurt by the Japanese high humidity summer. I am a little bit worried because he has little appetite.
Now, I have to try to get him to get back his appetite.まず、もともと寿司好きなので、ベジ海苔巻き(ナムルとそぼろをいれて)
He likes sushi, so I made veggie rice rolls (Korean style)
A: 好みの野菜でナムル Make Namul with vegetables
・きゅうり Cucumber
・人参 Carrotsあればもやしなどの好みの千切り野菜(さっと茹でてもいいですね)に軽く塩と、ごま油、おろしにんにく 、すりごまで和えておきます。
Any of your favorite vegetables (boiled or raw). Put and mix with a little bit of salt and sesame oil, grated garlic, and grated sesame on each julienne vegetables.
B :高野豆腐使ってそぼろをつくる Make farcemeat (veggie).
・高野豆腐 freeze-dried bean curd
Put freeze-dried bean curd back in water again and chop it up. Put sesame oil in a frying pan and stir fry the bean curd, add rice liquor (3 table spoons, a little bit sugar) or mirin, 3 table spoons of soy-sauce. If you like spicy, you can add hot pepper powder or paste, too. Simmer until water evaporates, then mix starch with water and mix together in the pan.C: 他に一緒に巻く具材 Other ingredients for roll.
C Lettuce, macrophyll(if you have), A-namul, B-farcemeat (veggie), rice. Roll them with seaweed paper.
Fresh vegetables with sesame flavor and seasoned farcemeat (veggie) will work on your appetite.
また、納豆好き・・でもあつあつご飯の気分でない時 暑い日のランチ
He likes nattou very much, but doesn't feel like eating hot rice for lunch on a hot day.
Put nattou on cold white wheat noodles (Udon).
Chop your favorite vegetables and put on udon and nattou as a topping.
今回は、This time, I put...
きゅうり cucumber
大葉 macrophyll
みょうが myoga
すりごま sesame
わかめ seaweed
焼き茄子 fried eggplant
納豆 nattou
トマト tomato
It is easy and refreshing.
I hope he gets his appetite back...
I am such a sweet wife!! Aren't I?♪
Now, keep up the good work darling!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking