笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
母のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは「松原 秀子さんの 型染版画展」が催されています。
Now in gallery Chez-Keiko, they are having an exhibition for 'Hideko Matsubara print art.'
Her print art work・・・Actually, my image of print art has been overturned. I think some people who visit Chez-Keiko this time had the same idea as me about art prints. They are so colorful! Her art work is soft touched and the color is amazingly beautiful. Also, the pictures have presence. I felt the story of print art come through and around in my head.
It is fused compassionate (Tenderness?), personal and uplifting feeling. A lady was one of the customers who was moved to tears, also a daughter and mother were enjoying to see the prints together.
I am so glad to see such people enjoying.松原さんは本の装丁なども手がけていらっしゃいます。海外向けの本や、宮沢賢治集など、作品は多々。 そのせいかシェイ・ケイコも初日から沢山の松原さんのファンが早速いらっしゃっていただいたようです。
Ms. Matsubara does book-binding work, too. A book is for abroad (English), a story book for Kenji-Miyazawa, and more. So Chez-Keiko had many of her fun visits since the first day of the exhibition.
今回、私が一瞬にして、おとぎ話の世界に引き込まれた作品はこちら。アラビアンナイトのシリーズの1作です。 音楽まで聞こえてきそうでしょ!?
This time, I was attracted into the world of fairy stories in a blink of an eye. One was the series of Arabian Nights stories. Can you hear? Feels like some music from the picture!
ほか沢山の作品で、今シェイ・ケイコはにぎやかです。 7月18日まで会期。是非らっしゃってください。
Now Chez-Keiko is a cheerful atmosphere with many art print works. Please join the party! Open until 18th July.
ラベル: Chez Keiko