笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On the week end, I went to a Lucie Rie exhibitor with one of girlfriends. I was looking forward to this exhibition for a while. I knew it had been running already in Tokyo but otherwise it is starting from this August in Mashiko in my prefecture so I eagerly awaited this month.
First of all, we had soba for lunch in Mashiko.
The soba restaurant is called 'Toujin'. The restaurant was full of customers in 30 min after opening for lunch time.
いや~ 素敵でした。 ルーシー・リー
Mashiko Museum of Ceramic Art. (Mashiko is a town in southeast of Tochigi prefecture and famous for pottery.)
The Lucie Rie exhibition was amazingly wonderful.
Seemingly, it was feminine delicate work but on the other hand, it was far from being unstable. It was robust and had a brave presence. Also, the bowls were beautifully contoured at the edge. The curve wave also has presence and seems like the wave continuing in to the space for eternity, it is so natural.焼き物なのに、計算し尽されたかのような色彩。
It is like a calculated color even though it is pottery.
Specially I like the pink one. It reminds me of the pale or deep pink from Cherry blossom shell's color which I saw when I was child.
What they have in common are all pink colors and are eye-friendly with sophistication.
It makes me feel like having the message, 'You never met her but you can imagine about her now.'
I unintentionally-smile.
' I realize that hopefully nobody saw it!'
Because it can look like a scuzzbucket, if people saw someone looking in, grinning and watching pottery works in the hall alone.w( ̄▽ ̄;)w!!
I found so many potteries which leave an impression on me. I realize that a lot of pottery are owned by The Victoria and Albert Museum, London England where I have been to visit a couple of times when I was a student in England. So, it must be I have met some of the pieces already. Then I can say the impression can change with age?. haha
I like the entrance of the pottery museum, too. It may be because they use my favorite green tiles. It will be held until 26th, September.宇都宮に戻る前に、気になっていた真岡市内の古家具&カフェの 「仁平古家具店」に寄ってみました。雰囲気の良い、和めるお店でした。ケーキも美味しかったですよ☆
On the way to Utsunomiya-city, we stopped by an old furniture shop & cafe 'Nihei-furukaguten' where I have been curious about recently. They have yummy cakes and a nice quiet atmosphere.
Japan (world?) is experiencing record high temperatures. It seems will be continue some more days. Let's enjoy lest of hot summer...
In our house, mixer has been working full throttle for this hot summer instead of air conditioning machine.
【Strawberry paste】
In spring, I prepared strawberry paste by mixed strawberries and beet sugar (good to steam,too) by using mixer, then put in a drastic bag and make it even then leave them in a freezer. It makes crackable plate for using as much as you need each time. This is quite useful for making summer sweets.
This time, I made 'Berry Berry smoothie'
・ Frozen strawberry
・ Frozen blueberry
・ Soy milk
・ Ice cube
Put in a mixer all. voila!!
Next one is 'easy vichyssoise soup.' This is fuss-free family dish so
usually I don't strain it.・じゃがいも Potato 2-3個
・玉ねぎ 1個 Onion
・豆乳 Soy milk
salt, pepper, favorite spices (rosemary, bay-reaf etc)
・水 water
Cut potatoes and onions in to suitable size and put all in to a source pan with favorite spices (I always put rosemary. And whatever you like ,bay-leaf, nutmeg or allspice, etc) pour in just enough water to cover then boil until potatoes get soften.
Put salt, pepper(slightly more than normal because it going to be add soy milk later) then leave for let it cool. (put not too much water when you boil them to easy to let them cool.)
Take out the rosemary and bay leaf leaves. Poor soy milk and water(put soy milk more than water or use ice cubes instead of water if you like to eat as soon as possible) put them all to a mixer and GO! leave in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
This soup is our favorite one. (In winter, after mixcerd at 'step 3', put it back in to the pan and warm up again.)
Actually, this soup can be eatable soup depend on how much you put soy milk or water, so make it special of the day!
This is pumpkin soup with same recipe.
Usually, I don't peel of the vegetable skin since we have delicious organic vegetables from the Vegefirm Nakaya.
手抜きぶっかけ(ノ∀≦*)ノ゛ ご飯なのですが、美味しかったのでご紹介。
Cold sticky miso soup with rice.
This is so lasy recipe but it is yummy! so I'll introduce them.
This extream hot weather makes our a low appetite and on such day, I will reccomend. Brown rice (is a gold mine of nutrition!) so it is good try just to have brown rice. You might like with white rice, too.
Recipe is same as the cold miso soup with cucumber and add some 'OKURA' with it.
Put the cold soup on rice. You might able to eat rice smoothly.
It is said eating Okura helps to beat the summer heat.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I had a cute visitor tonight. My cousin, Miharu.
I love her very much the same as her dad and mum cared for me.
She is a junior high school student and snooty about her bicep muscles now.
But she has worries about her goals and deciding the future course in her life.
In the conversation with her, I was reminded of when I was her age.
I don't know... Was it that my eyes were dancing with excitement like her eyes??
She loves free climbing. Her skill (and her bicep muscles:haha!) put adults to shame.
She is going to Edinburgh in Scotland to compete in the IFSC World Youth Climbing Championships.
She wants to be a professional climber in the future.
I am proud of her. It is not just because she will compete, that is to say because she has something she loves and something that fascinates her.
She is alight with happiness.
私が、「それは誰のおかげ?」 と聞くと、
I asked her, 'Who do you thank?'
She pointed to her parents sheepishly.
I want her to fight bravely while keeping that thankfulness and fun.
Good luck Miharu!
Speaking of free climbing?! Colorado in US!!
I look forward to going with her. (Uoops, I will be just a watcher! haha)
ラベル: Family
I had a wonderful encounter today.
マザー・テレサ です。
It was Mother Teresa.
This morning, I was chatting with my friend who just came back from Calcutta in India. She says that there are strong concentrations of people preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa's birth around the town.
そして今日8月26日はマザー・テレサ 生誕100年祭だそうです。
And today is the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa birth.
It is embarrassing but I didn't really know what activity or words she did or said, only what I knew was her name and she was an activist for relief of the poor.
This celebration event today might be shared with the people who already know about her enormous contribution but I would like to join and decide my memorial day that I started to become interested in her activity from today.
It isn't too late?... Should be OK.
She died on 5 September 1997.
来週の9月5日は私の誕生日。 運命ですか・・?と都合良く考えてしまうわたし(笑)
5 September is my birthday. Is this related to my destiny??
I am going to buy a book which is written about her as a birthday present for myself.
It arose from an offhand remark from my friend, but it has become a wonderful encounter for me. Thanks.
ラベル: Thinking
I posted something about yoga again...
The day before my share class on the weekend, I went to Mae Yoshikawa’s yoga workshop.
Actually, some friends are worried or fed up(haha) with me since I just got out of the hospital..
But I explained to the teacher before the class and told her that I won't to do asana (pose) which can effect the affected area and be careful to not try too hard.
Asana(pose) is important, but this time, I was looking forward that I could be inspired by her teaching if I only listening.吉川めいさんは、日本で女性初のアシュタンガヨガ正式指導者のライセンスを持ち、母でもあり、ベジタリアンでもあり、モデルでもあります。
Mae Yoshikawa is the first female Ashtangha yoga certified teacher in Japan, a mother, vegetarian, and a model.
I had read her book just-released this year and I have retained sympathy with her idea of a raw food style.
I think she is a 'clear' kind of lady and a cool dudette because her way of talking is natural. (She tries not to be a hero)
Such a beautiful and pure person as a practitioner makes me confident as a person who likes yoga.
I was very stimulated by her asana pose practice and listening.
Thank you.
ラベル: Yoga
My share-class is done and dusted.
This is a large step for me to take.
It could be only a small class for someone who teaches so many students every class. But this is a very very big class for me.もちろん緊張もしていました。でも参加してくれている方達はSHINBIの生徒さん。皆温かいんです。
Of course I was tense. But participants are SHINBI students so they are warm. They give me nod reassuringly and smile with encouragement.
I was a presenter but I felt I was given something from them.
The content was 'Yoga anatomy and SHINBI walking posture'.
I was concerned that they would get bored, or that my explanation would be confusing.
But, at the end of the class, when I saw the first steps of their walking....
It gave me goose bumps!! I was so excited and glad.
'It was worth it!!'
They were beautiful.
Their chests were open and they had a forward-facing posture.
Their smiles opened up after the 2nd and 3rd times.クラスが終わった後、平静を装っていましたが正直泣きそうでした。
I was almost crying when we finished the class even though I was trying appear calm. I thought that 'I will never forget this feeling!'
For first of everything, I greatly appreciate the participants, one of my mentors Chitose who taught me SHINBI walk, my great yoga teachers, and SHINBI office which gave me this opportunity.
What I most care about was....
I tried to teach with love.
Because every teacher who I've respected has taught teach with love.パートナーを務めてくれたガイコツくん。お世話になりました。
Thank you very much, Mr.Skeleton. You did a gooood job!!
As soon as one gets home, my husband asked about how the class was and stared into my eyes with a concerned look.
He was supporting me while I was in hospital and boxed in. Thank you.
From the president of SHINBI office...
He told me that I had a great smile after the class.
After the class. A picture with participants. Some people had gone, sorry!
いよいよ今週末はシェア クラス担当の日
’日曜日 ファイト!’
Heart beat!
Heart Beat!
Heart beat!
Yes, I'm pulsated.
Finally, the time has come for my share class this weekend.
With my thoughts
With my arrangement
With my indecision
With my understanding
I want the class to relax and enjoy the mood with everyone since it is a small class.
I'm just hoping that the class can provide working knowledge for their practice in future studies.
But I'm not used to speaking in front of people, so I'll be too nervous.
So I'm going to take my helpful partner with me! ♪ (Sorry but not my husband this time.)
Also I got a message card from one of my yoga teachers who I respect.
'Have fun on Sunday's class!'
This is reassuring for me since she knows about my feelings now.
Thank you☆
A little while ago, I got a packet of sun energy from Spain!
I was jumping with excitement when I received that.
なのでとてもありがたい!!! さあて、さて、何を作ろうかな・・と
It was a large packet of sun-dried tomatoes and black olive paste.
I only occasionally use dried tomatoes for cooking because it is a little bit expensive to buy in Japan, so this is a very nice present!!
So, what shall I make!!
Recently, we eat cold pasta more often, so...
パスタソース Pasta sauce
・茄子1cm 位のスライス
Aubergine (Sliced 1cm)
・しめじ Mushroom Slices
・ドライトマト 刻む
Chopped Dry tomatoes
・たまねぎ みじん切り Chopped Onion
・バジル葉 Basil leaves
Let's use any vegetables you like for ingredients.
Put in ingredients which you want to heat up first. Fry lightly with olive oil and garlic. Add 1/2 cup of water or white wine then turn to low heat. Keep in mind that you don't want to boil dry.
Put in chopped onions. I like them boiled tender with a little crispiness left so turn off the heat in 1 minute and continue to cook them with remaining heat.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. (I might want to make full flavor because it will be mixed with pasta) Add chopped dried tomatoes.
Let them cool completely then add chopped basil leaves, then put in the refrigerator.
Boil pasta and let cool completely. (I have heard that it is better to make cold pasta by putting the boiled pasta in a bowl and then putting that bowl into a larger bowl filled with ice, but I don't do this because it is too much trouble)6・冷やしたパスタに先ほどのソースと、大さじ1くらいのオリーブオイルをからめて出来上がり。
Mix the pasta and sauce, you might like to put a table spoon of olive oil. It is now done.
It is good to add fresh tomatoes, too, if you have.
Dried tomatoes pick up additional richness and complexity.
Next, use the black olive paste!!
超簡単でしょ。 でも、ブラックオリーブのなんともいえない美味しさが贅沢に感じれます。
Mix with steamed potatoes.
Super easy!! Isn't it?! You can still enjoy the rich taste of black olives.
冷蔵庫にあった、人参やインゲン、をさっと硬めに茹でたもの(食感がイイ)やアサツキを刻んで混ぜてみました。このサラダはパテとして、パンにのせても美味しいです。One other recipe is bean salad.
I had some beans (kind of kidney beans) left in the kitchen. Boil and simply mash them.
Mix with salt and olive oil. Good to add whatever spices you like. I put nutmeg.
Also I put chopped and poached vegetables which I found in the refrigerator (carrots and peas) and chopped spring onions.
This salad is good to put on bread like a pate.
So what shall I cook next?!!?
A lovely card was inside the gifts, the picture looks like her...♪
Thank you so much Juri!!!
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking
I have heard that 'collaborative activity' can be the start of building a happy couple and we have been doing 'collaborative work' recently.
We got some translation work for a wine brochure from my husband's friend. I hesitated for an instant, but we accepted the order since I like wine and thought it can be a good challenge.
そして、今回少し戸惑ったのが、ワインに合う料理の紹介。グルジアの土地柄、兎だとか、臓物料理が多く、どう表現したら日本人にも美味しそうに受け止められるか・・ まだまだ悩むところです。
This time it is Georgian wine. I learned that Georgia is the birthplace of the oldest wine grapes in the world.
It uses expressive idioms for wine. Aroma like smoked straw... Or 'aroma of wet earth'.. etc.
And what makes me wonder was the discussions about food.
They mention rabbit (usually Japanese don't eat rabbit) or a variety of entrails so, how do you put this into words so that Japanese will think delicious... It is kind of puzzle. So I and my husband worked together.
Meanwhile, Japan has been extremely hot these days!! The average temperature has been higher than in a typical year, so we are suffering through staying in a house with a small breeze since we usually don't use air conditioning. Fuuu... We have difficulty concentrating because of the heat.
So, we decided to evacuate the house from the afternoon to a cafe with my computer.
The cafe served as our new office.
That was very helpful for our 'collaborative work'.あ~ パンフレットがどんな仕上がりになるか~ 使ってもらえるかしら☆
Huumm I wonder how the brochure will be.
ラベル: Thinking
I 'm recovering well after the surgery, so I could leave hospital 1 day earlier than expected. I was glad.
Family stayed by my side, relatives have come, friends made me cheer-up.
Trusty doctors and reliable and fun cheerful nurses.
Thank you so much. I received and esteem highly words from each you.
And this time, I would like to reward myself that 'I could take it and could get over it!'
ラベル: Thinking
Dad brought a bunch of flowers and decorated my hospital room.
My husband ordered me for the first time not to do 'secret'yoga practice. Usually he likes me todo yoga.(I know that he cares about my body condition, thanks!)
And my mum…
She brought some books since I said that I wanted to do reading while staying in bed. When I realised, beside where I was laid, she was reading her favolite stories from her book.
I don't have childhood memories of mum reading stories for me because she was working hard all day for us.
It was like being a child.
It is pleasant to listen to the reading... It is nice...
ラベル: Thinking
ラベル: Thinking
I completed packing for a 12-day of journey.
Yah, I'm going to stay in the hospital.
I'm going to have surgery and stay in the hospital. I was diagnosed with a tumor in an ovary and it should be taken off even though it is benign.
Yes! my body health is fine!! I am dynamic and also worry about muscular pain.
And I could find a doctor who I can trust!
Only one thing I am worried about is...
I have never been to have surgery and never stayed in hospital before. This is the first time.
What I worry about is.... I have to just sit my ass down on the bed for a few days after the surgery. Can I be patient?! ummmmm. That is the sort of thing that can make me ill!!
ということで、ここ数日かき集めたのが、’いかにテンションをあげるかグッズ’(笑) くだらないでしょ♪ いや~それが結構楽しいもので、この際、今まで読みたくても時間がなくて読めなかった本やDVD、カワイイ色のタオルに、テンションあがるカラフルパジャマ?、日数分の顔パックに、お猿のCoCoちゃん、勉強道具、DSにその他いろいろ。あっ、あとヨガマットも内緒で持っていって、極めつけは、ヒカリチャンアイデアのエクササイズトレーニング用ゴム(笑) これで準備OK。まるで遠足気分ですが、これで、’気’に負けないようにしますよ☆
I was therefore collecting items thinking, 'how can I keep from being bored staying in a bed. It is silly? I know haha. But, I enjoying doing the preparation. Books and DVDs which I couldn't see because I had no time. Colorful towels, colorful pajamas, facial masks, my friend the stuffed monkey CoCo chan, textbooks for study, Nintendo DS, and a Yoga mat (secretly) and exercise plastic tube for muscle training.
This is almost done. It seems like I am going for a fun trip, So I can't lose heart.
いつか聞いたことがあります。’その人にはその病気が必要だから与えられる。その人であれば乗り越えられるからこそ、与えられた’ ものだそうです。
I have heard that 'People are given illness because the person needs that illness. People are given illness because the person can surmount that hurdle'
So I think this is a valuable experience and I can take a step forward to grow up by the experience.
See you soon!!
The other day, I went to Genny's WS in Tokyo.
Genny Kapler teaches Iyengar yoga in NY and India. I heard that her studio is bustling with professional dancers and yoggies as a salon.
I had her anatomy classes last year.
What I see in her is 'She is a truly (naturally) beautiful person.'
She has beauty from within that makes me think that the air around her shines brightly. That is not creating by her own making.
I think it is naturally created by her thought, intelligence, and her lifestyle.
先生はジェニー・カピュラーGenny Kapuler。NYとインドでアイアンガーヨガを教えるジェニー先生。彼女のNYのスタジオには、活躍するダンサーやヨガ指導者がサロンのように集うそうです。
I realized that there are so many mysteries and very beautiful structures in the human body.
And why I like her class is, she is showing her view of the world and the intelligent mode of expression in the fragments of her words.
For example.
Talk about movement for opening the chest...
'It can be like a bird (heart) flying ahead to the sky from the rib cage'
Talk about a process for pulling up a part of the body...
'It is like pulling a canoe from a lake.' etc...
And she has eagle eyes so she is blessed with demanding accuracy and there is harshness also in her gentle eyes. That makes me excited to take the lesson since I get to adjust and discover something new.
This time, the class was focusing on back bends. Actually, that is my weak point, but I think I can take another step forward to work out for connecting my mind and body.
Anyway, I have had muscular pain for these 2 days since taking the class, it is hurts a lot. Hahah
I really look forward to visiting her studio in NY. I love Genny!!
ラベル: Yoga
On the weekend, I went to the music event 'Mid-Summer night Concert' organized by my friends Harue and Dai. Held on Cafe Nova Nepente in Utsunomiya.
Cafe Nova Nepente is a hot place to visit because the building is interesting, there was an atmosphere of it being surrounded by candles with an outside patio, and listening to various music.
Specially, there was an instrumental called pan-flute which originally came from Romania. Also, there was classic guitar and hula-dance etc.
そしてそしてファイナルには、待っていました我が友、Takashi Shinohara!! こんなイベントあるよ!と声を掛けたら快く演奏を引き受け、東京から駆けつけてくれました。
Finally, I was excited to see my friend play! Takashi Shinohara!
I told him about this event, and he readily accepted my request to sing and came from Tokyo.
He spent time in NY and New Orleans to study music, and is now active around Tokyo. We met when we were junior high school students.
もう一人の友達、湯沢くん(Takeshi Rock'n Roll Yuzawa)と3人でいつも遊んでいたころもありました。。私にとっては性別を越えた親友です。
昨年の結婚式には、従弟のタ~ちゃん、義理の弟のジョナサン、シノハラン、タケちゃんの4人でバンドを組みパーティーを大盛り上がりにしてくれました。最高の豪華メンバーでした。Takashi, me, and one other friend Takeshi (Takeshi Rock'n Roll Yuzawa), hung out together when we were teenagers.
Last year at my (& husband's) wedding reception, my cousin Tadashi, my brother-in-law Jonathan, Takashi, and Takeshi formed a band and they made the party warm up very very much. It was a wonderful band for us.
Of course his playing set the mood for the party.
Takeshi was working as staff this time.
This is a little bit unclear but I took a video. "
The three of us haven't met in ages, but any time, the same tension, same smiles and we are able to talk about the future.キャンドルと、音楽と友達と出会い。こんな素敵な夜を準備してくれた、ハルさんとダイくんに感謝。
Candle light, music, friends, encounters. I thank Haru and Dai who presented such a beautiful night.
ラベル: Friends