
★Share class シェアクラス

I got near an objective. I'm going to be in charge of a lesson at SHINBI studio where I usually go. They have unique classes each month which are called 'Share class'. It allows students to have class to share their knowledge with each other.
So I got a chance to do for next month as a navigator.
Last year, I decided to study for SHINBI walking and yoga more deeply. Since then, I realize and am surprised that they have many similarities. Yah, I knew that their points of view are 'Health and good conscience'.

ほんの1回のレッスン。でも私にとっては、とてもとても意味のあるレッスンです。 だからこの機会をくれたSHINBIには心から感謝しています。 人前で話すことになかなか慣れないわたし。でもSHINBIウォーキングとヨガを組み合わせた内容は、両方を学んでいる私だからこその解釈も取り入れてみようと思います。上手に伝えられるか心配だけれど、私にウォーキングを教えてくれたちとせ先生、ヨガを教えてくれてた素晴らしい先生方がガッカリすることのないように。。そしてなによりも、レッスンに参加してくれた生徒さん(参加してくれる人がイタラ笑)が何か1つでも今後に役立てられるように、頑張ってみます。今からドキドキしています。結果も報告しますね!
And now, I step forward to one of my objectives this year: 'Do output.' This is just one lesson, but it has very big meaning for me so I am grateful to SHINBI for giving me an opportunity.
I have still not got used to speaking in front of people. But a combination of the contents combined from SHINBI walk and yoga is why I can introduce my own interpretation. I don't know if I can do well but I want to try for my walking teacher Chitose and my great yoga teachers to not make them disappoint in me. Keep foremost in mind that for people coming to my class (if anybody comes!), I want to try to place my experience and expertise at the disposal of them in any way that may be of assistance.
Recently, that makes me nervous and excited. I will report again!

Walk in Yoga ウォーク イン ヨガ  Navigatorナビゲーター  ASUCO

Lesson info in the advertising
New exercise to groove SHINBI walk in to your body more beautifully and assuredly. Approach from yoga anatomy helps you to know how to use skeletal and muscle systems with deep conscious and it could be a royal road for beautiful and healthy posture walking.


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