I met Hiromi, Shigeko and Mai last night. They praise me about my lunch box on my blog. They are so nice to me...
Compliment is great! Because it makes gained two more side dishes in my husband's lunch box today.
My husband have my friends to thank for it.
今日はタンドリー弁当 Tandoori lunch!
作り方 (かなりアバウトです)How to make.
・厚揚げ Deep fried pressed tofu 2コ(豆腐1丁分)
・野菜(ニンジン、玉ねぎなど) Vegetables(carrots, onion etc 1 each) 1コずつ
・擦りおろした にんにく、しょうが grated garlic
and ginger
・カレースパイス(ターメリック、クミン、ガラムマサラなどなんでも)適当 Curry spices( coriander, chili powder, turmeric, garam masala )
・豆乳 大さじ 2 table spoon of Soymilk
・塩 少々 salt
・玉ねぎ(摩り下ろしたもの) 大さじ 2 table spoon of grated onion
Dip the deep fried tofu in hot water to drain oil then take it out.Cut vegetables suitably.
Put all ingredients in a plastick bag and rub them.Leave them at over 1 hour.
3.ソースをつけながら焼くだけ Bake them in a pan, and you are done!
Enjoy a hot lunch time!