笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
ほんとうにありがたい!! やっぱり野菜好きって言いふらしておくものね~~☆ヘヘ
We love vegetables. But I don't mean to expect something by advertising. But I got many homegrown vegetables from kind friends! Yahoo!! I appreciate that! So maybe I should spread around that we like vegetables so much!! Haha
I like summer vegetables but feel like they are a little expensive. I don't know why I have such an idea of that, might be an idea from supermarket prices in winter?? But we have plenty of them now.今年はキュウリが豊作?沢山いただいたキュウリちゃん達。贅沢に使えます。
It looks like cucumbers are having good innings this year.
I can use them for many recipes.
This time, I put a cucumber in my Nukadoko (salted rice-bran paste for pickling) which we have been using for over 7 years now. We like cucumber Nukadoko pickles. I used one that looks like the Japanese character 'SHI': し
On hot days, it will be good to have cold miso-soup with cucumbers.
This is very delicious. I found it in a cook book .
材料 ingredients
A・だし用昆布 細切り Konbu (kelp) for soup stock
・きゅうり Cucumber 1 1/2
・水 Water 500ml
・味噌 Miso-paste 大匙3 table spoon
・氷 Ice cubes 1,2個 (すぐに冷たいのを頂きたいとき)
B 各適量(お好み)as much you like
・大葉 macrophyll leaves
・みょうが Myoga (Japanese ginger)
・すりごま Grated sesame
・あさつき Chives or Spring onionsAの材料をミキサーに投入。できた味噌汁を器に入れたら刻んだ大葉、みょうが、あさつき、すりゴマをちらしてできあがり。
Put all the A ingredients in to a mixer. Dish in to soup cup. Put all the B ingredients (all chopped) on the soup.
This is good for when you have little appetite because of the hot season. It is makes you Genki (meaning healthy or cheerful in Japanese) with cold and good taste so it goes down smoothly.
とっても気に入っているトマトのレシピ ここ2日間食べてます。
My favorite tomato recipe:
トマトのマリネ Tomato marinade
中玉か小玉のトマト 10個
Middle or Small size tomatoes 10
にんにく 2かけ 細かくスライス
Garlic 2 cloves (sliced into small peaces)
オリーブオイル 適量
Olive oil
1. トマトを半分に切って、
Cut tomatoes in half.
Put a slight amount of oil in the pan. (If it doesn't cake up, you may not need)
Fry on both sides until lightly colored. *Make sure that they are slightly cooked (tomatoes can disappear if overdone).
Put tomatoes into a bowl then mix with sliced garlic, olive oil, salt. That's it.
I usually make a lot and store in a refrigerator. It is nice with rice and bread, too. Very delicious!
This recipe is good for middle or small sized tomatoes which I get from friends' farms.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking